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Peridot's POV

It's been a week of school now. Things are going fine, and as expected it's not necessary for me to pay too much attention in order to keep good grades. I make my way over to my dark green Honda Accord, an older car yet one of my favorites. I turn the key in the ignition and plug my phone into the aux, pressing shuffle on my playlist and starting off towards school.
I make it not halfway before I notice something - it's none other than Lapis Lazuli, walking on the sidewalk with her backpack hanging heavy on her back and a burning cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Normally a sight like this wouldn't be unusual, however, we were about fifteen minutes driving distance from the school. Is this how she usually gets to school? No wonder she's always late.
Sighing, I grip the steering wheel and act on my impulse. I pull the car up beside her, the passenger side facing her with the window down. She looks over, confused, taking out one of her headphones and giving me a questioning look.
"Hey, you need a ride?" I ask, sounding much more confident than I truly am. After a moment of silence, she gives a small giggle and replies, "Yeah sure, I guess."
Honestly, I'm surprised she agreed. But I won't complain. I unlock the car and she opens the door, setting her bag on the floor in front of the seat before sitting down next to me and shutting the door. As I start driving off again, she rolls down her window and takes the cigarette from between her lips before blowing a cloud of smoke out the window. Her messy, dark blue hair flies around in the wind as she does so.
Dammit, she's hot.
"So..." she spoke up. I'm snapped out of my thoughts and I listen attentively. "Why were you staring at me the other day?"
"U-uh! Was I? Heh..." I stutter, attempting to feign ignorance. Of course it doesn't work. It's not helping that my face is probably significantly red at the moment.
She laughs, puffing her cigarette once more, "Yeah, you totally were."
"Ah, I'm sorry...I must have zoned out," I attempt to save myself.
"Hah, right." She takes a last hit of her cigarette before throwing the butt out of the window.
"Wow, your taste in music is terrible," the bluenette comments, as she takes my phone off the aux and takes it for herself. I look over curiously, but don't protest. Soon, the display on the radio reads, "A GHETTO CHRISTMAS CAROL - XXXTENTACION".
She hums, "That's better."
Her music is...interesting. Aside from the music itself, it only makes me wonder about the girl sat next to me even more. Some songs were sad, some were angry, and some both. Though all were passionate. As the music infected the space inside the car, Lapis had her chin rested on her hand, staring out the window at the passing scenery with a look on her face that I couldn't read. I do my best to focus on the road in front of us.
We soon reach the dreaded high school at which we both attend. I park the car and take my keys out of the ignition.
"Uh, thank you..." Lapis says to me.
"Yeah, no problem!" I smile.
She smiles back. "My name is Lapis, by the way."
"Peridot," I respond.
We both head off to first period together, given we have the same class. We talk on the way there, and once we arrive, she opts to sit next to me this time. Which of course earns a blush from my awkward ass.
Jesus Peridot, you don't even know if she likes girls. I sigh.
Neither of us are particularly engaged in class. Though I'm at least doing the work, while Lapis doesn't even bother. She's got her face buried in her phone, and seems to be texting someone with a worried expression on her face.
Wonder what that's about.
I don't bother asking, as it's not my business anyway, though I can't help but worry a bit. I push my glasses up my nose and bring my focus back to my work.


"You what?!" Amethyst exclaimed.
"Oh shut up, I was just being nice. She was gonna be late..."
"Yeah, and you're a simp," she laughed.
"I am not." I grumble and turn my head away from Amethyst.
Looking up, I see that Lapis is in her usual spot, the far corner of the commons. Though this time, she's talking to someone. And she looks angry. The person she's talking to, it's a tall girl with a rather stocky build, as well as long blonde hair. They're both yelling at each other. I watch on in both curiosity and worry, and once Amethyst notices the situation, she does as well. That's when something happened that awoke an anger I hadn't felt in a long time. The taller girl slapped Lapis right across the face.
My eyes widened. Without thinking, I stood up quickly with the intention of going over and doing something - anything - to help. But I felt Amethyst grab me by the wrist. I look back at her, she looks almost terrified, and shakes her head at me.
"Well I can't just do nothing!" I speak up.
"Yes you can, dude. I promise you don't want to fuck with someone like Jasper."
"...But, she..."
I look back over at the two. The taller one, who I suppose is Jasper, is still yelling. Lapis gets up and runs out of the school, Jasper doesn't follow. But I do.

944 words.

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