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Content warning for self-harm.

Lapis' POV

"Ugh," I groan lowly, pulling myself from unconsciousness reluctantly, thanks to the sound of my phone ringing next to me. Once I fully come to and realize what's going on, I shoot upwards and grab the phone, which reads Peridot's name. I audibly gulp as I answer the call and bring the phone up to my ear. 


"Are you home? I'm here to pick you up for studying," Her voice rings through the phone speaker and I feel a slight panic set in. 

"Fuck, yeah, sorry I was sleeping" I reply frantically, standing up and glancing down at my arm with a wince. 

"Well, I'm outside when you're ready."

"Alright, thanks," I hang up the phone and head to my bedroom door, opening it slightly before I quietly make my way to the bathroom. Running warm tap water over my forearm, I hesitantly wash away most of the dried blood that remains streaked down it. It's not great, but it'll do for now. Rushing back into my room, I throw on my hoodie over the t-shirt I already have on before grabbing my phone, keys, cigs and lighter. I then head out the front door, walking out into the apartment complex and spotting Peridot's car.

Fuck, I'm all lightheaded. 

I stumble over to the car and let myself inside.

Peridot's POV

Late by a generous thirty minutes, I finally see Lapis exit the apartment building and come over to my car. I notice on her way that she's stumbling around and her face is pale. She opens the door and sits in the passenger seat, sighing heavily as she shuts the door behind her. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask with a pang of concern in my voice. 

"Y-Yeah, sorry. Just another hangover," she responds quite unconvincingly, but I brush it off for now.

"Alright then, let's get going," I start the car and head in the direction of my parents' house. The entire car ride, Lapis is strangely quiet. Which I suppose isn't too weird in and of itself, but she didn't even take over the radio, which is much unlike her. Instead, she sits with her head in the palm of her hand, staring out the window, looking a bit like she's trying not to vomit. 


We arrive at my house and I park the car in the garage, hesitantly looking over at Lapis again. She opens the car door and steps out very slowly, with a worried expression on her face, shortly before her legs give out from underneath her. 

"Shit!!" I rush out of the car and to the passenger side, where Lapis lay on the concrete unmoving, though definitely still breathing. 

What the fuck happened?? And what the hell am I supposed to do now??

Well, I certainly can't just leave her there. With much struggle, I hoist her up onto my shoulders and head inside. Luckily, my parents aren't home...though when are they ever. I set the girl on my back onto the living room couch with a grunt, pausing for a moment to catch my breath. Heading back towards the garage door I close and lock it, before walking back over to the couch as I stare at the unconscious Lapis with a sigh. 

Maybe she's hot...? It is like 90 degrees outside, and she's always wearing that hoodie...Fuck, I need to get it off of her. Focus, Peridot...

Gathering myself, I hope with all my might that she's wearing something underneath the hoodie. I gently raise her arms for her and grip the bottom of the hoodie, bringing it up to reveal that she is, in fact, wearing a shirt. 

Thank fucking god.

Continuing to pull off her hoodie, I spot a dark red smear towards her left elbow. Fearing what's to come, I take the hoodie completely off and set it next to her. I stare in shock at the scene before me. Lapis Lazuli lay on my couch, peacefully unaware of the situation, with deep gashes that run all up and down her left forearm. Feeling my body go weak, I prop myself up against the arm of the couch for support as sweat runs from my armpits. 

Guess I know what was wrong now...

Taking a long, deep breath, I head upstairs to my bathroom and retrieve a bottle of Neosporin as well as some cotton balls. Coming back downstairs to the still unconscious girl on my couch, I set the supplies down on the coffee table and kneel down in front of the couch. Gently, I take Lapis' left arm into my hands and get to work as carefully as possible. So many thoughts are rushing through my mind. 

When did this happen?? Why wasn't anybody there to stop it?? Why would she do this...?

I feel heavy tears flood my eyes and fog my vision. Wiping them away quickly, I shake my head and focus on the task at hand. I might not have been there to help then, but I'll do whatever I can to help now. 


Finishing up with a sigh of relief, I gently lay Lapis' arm back down onto the couch and take the bloody cotton balls over to the trash. Retrieving the Neosporin bottle and remaining cotton balls, I bring them back upstairs to the bathroom cabinet. Leaning on the bathroom sink, I glance up at myself in the mirror as my mind is still racing. I take my glasses off, set them on the sink and turn on the tap to splash cold water on my face. 

What the fuck am I going to do when she wakes up...?

Drying my face with a hand towel, I put my glasses back on and gather myself before heading back downstairs. Once I enter the living room, I'm taken aback to notice that Lapis is seemingly awake again, now sitting up with her face in her hands. 

978 words.

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