How it all began

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3rd person POV

Twas a loud morning, the horses were neighing, the chickens were clucking, and the sheep were baaing. A cloaked figure flew past an open window, waking a blond boy up in the process.

He got up in a panic and panted, sighing he was about to go back to bed but looked over to a bed next to him. "Emily?" He called out but no one answered. "Emily!" He called out again and looked over to the other bed, only to find it empty.

Panic washed over the young boy as he quickly got out of bed and went to look for his sister outside. He opened the door, and just as he stepped outside he heard a voice sing.

Sarah: Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land

"Emily!" He yelled out again, but no one answered.

Sarah: Of enchantment
Come, little children
The time's come to say

The blonde boy walked over to his friend who was looking towards something. "Elijah! Elijah!" He called out, earning the attention of his friend. "Hast thou seen my sister Emily?" He asked with worry.

"Nay. But look. They conjure." Elijah pointed towards a purple fog up ahead.

"Oh, god. The woods!" The blonde boy yelled in fright as he and his friend started running towards the giggling girl, who was running towards the woods. "Emily!" The blonde yelled but she ignored him.

"She's done for." Elijah commented. This made the blonde angry as he grabbed Elijah's shoulder and made him look at him.

"Not yet! You wake my father. Summon the elders. Go!" He instructed Elijah who complied and went to go warn them.

The blonde then started to run towards the woods, jumping above branches. He suddenly tripped and fell on a slope. Once he stopped rolling down he grunted in pain. He heard a giggle making him pick his head up and look in front of him, where a cottage stood.

He quickly got up and followed the woman who was leading his sister into the cottage. "Come, child." She instructed as they went in.

The blonde boy sneakily went towards the house and opened a window carefully so he could peek inside. He saw his sister Emily being surrounded by three witches.

Emily looked towards the window and widened her eyes at seeing her brother. "Emily." He whispered but the three witches heard and looked towards the window making the boy duck just before they saw him.

The older witch pointed towards the door, instructing her sisters to look out there while she checked out the window.

The older sister looked out the window but didn't see anything. The boy quickly ran towards the front but put his back against the wall as the other two came out to check who was there.

"Oh, look. Another glorious morning." The older sister said with disgust. "Makes me sick!" She closed the window. "Sisters!" She called out.

"Yes, Winnie?" The blonde woman called out as she made her way inside.

"We're coming, Winnie. Right away. Sorry." The other one apologized as she also made her way inside, shoving her sister as she did so.

"Must've been an imp." Winnie explained as she shrugged. "My darling. My little book." She cooed walking towards a specific book. "We must continue with our spell now that our little guest of honor has arrived." She instructed, looking towards Emily. "Wake up! Wake up, darling." She cooed, waking up the book. "Yes. Oh, come along, Darling. There you are." She laughed gleefully as she saw the book wake up. "Mary!" She yelled out to her sister who came towards her.

He put a spell on me (Max Dennison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now