I put a spell on you

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We continued to walk through the secret underground passageway, following Binx as he was trying to lead us to a way out.

"Come along. Not much further." Binx instructed. "Let's see. Which way, which way. I can't remember. Oh! Look, down here!" He exclaimed as he turned a corner, us following behind him with precaution.

"Go, Binx!" Max yelled, trying to encourage the cat.

"Come here, you guys. This way." I instructed them as I saw the way out. "Hurry! Come on!" I rushed them.

"Up the ladder!" Binx instructed us as we all looked up at it. "Come on." Binx said as he hopped on Max's shoulder just as he started to climb up.

"Careful." Dani worriedly said. I saw Max lift up the sewers opening, Binx getting off his shoulder and heading outside.

"Binx, look out!" Max yelled suddenly as he closed the sewer top and ducked down. All we heard next was the bus passing over us.

"Binx!" Dani cried out in worry. We all decided to get out of there and head up, but what we saw made us shocked.

"Oh, my god." Max sighed out as we all looked at the run over Binx.

"No." Dani whispered as she started to cry into my waist. I hugged her comfortingly as I looked at the cat in sadness.

"It's all my fault." Max said as he walked over to us with guilt.

"Max, it's not your fault." I reassured him as I grabbed his shoulder in comfort. I looked over at Binx and saw that he was inflating back to normal.

Dani tapped Max's shoulder in shock. "Look." She told him as he turned around, I saw the relief in his eyes as he saw that Binx was okay.

"I hate it when that happens." Binx told us as we just stared at him. "What?" He asked us, I just shook my head. "I told you, I can't die." He reminded us. "Dani, you alright?" He asked the little girl who nodded her head in response. "Okay, then, let's go!" He instructed as we all ran off for help.


Once we reached town we ran towards an officer who was on his motorcycle. "Officer! Officer!" Dani yelled as we neared the officer.

"Officer, we need your help." I told him once we stopped running, standing in front of the police officer.

"What's the problem?" He asked us.

"Tell him." Dani told Max.

"Go ahead." I said as I gestured him to do it.

"Well, um... Well you see, for- I just- I just moved here." Max explained to him. "W-well you see, it's like this. I-I um... I broke into the old Sanderson house and I brought the witches back from the dead. See, I even have the book." Max said as he showed him the book.

The officer looked at the book then back at us. "You lit the black flame candle?" He asked Max.

"Yeah." Max answered. The officer got off his motorcycle and walked towards us slowly. "Come on. Okay, let's get on the sidewalk." He instructed us as we did as told.

"And he's a virgin." Dani clarified making me shake my head at her statement and Max roll his eyes.

"Come here." He told Max as they got closer so they can talk, just the two of them. "Are you a virgin?" The officer asked him.

I rolled my eyes, knowing that he thinks this is a prank. "Yeah." Max answered.

"Really?" The officer asked dumbfounded with a bit of mock.

He put a spell on me (Max Dennison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now