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I began to stir as I gently opened my eyes, I smiled up at Max who had also woken up. "Hi." He smiled at me.

"Hi." I said as I got up and shoved the blanket off of me. I grabbed his clock to see the time and widened my eyes in shock.

"Oh, my god. It's 5:00. My parents are gonna kill me." I exclaimed as I hopped off Max's lap and grabbed my sweater. "I should go."

Max stretched as he looked me with a smirk. "I wish you could stay." He said.

I smiled gently at him and then looked towards the sleeping Binx. "Poor Binx." I said, feeling bad for him.

"Yeah. Poor Binx." Max agreed as he also looked at him. "We owe him a lot." He sighed.

"Yeah." I agreed with sadness.

"Look, cou-could we find some kind of way to help him?" He asked me.

I looked at him and then towards the book, smiling at the idea I had. "The book." I said as I walked towards him. "The witches used it to put the spell on him. Maybe there's a way in here to take it off." I explained as I grabbed the book and sat next to him.

"I don't know. Binx told us not to open it." Max said a bit unsure of the idea.

"Well, the witches are dead. What harm could it do?" I persuaded him. He looked at Binx then back at me.

"Well, just be careful." He smiled at me.

"I will. Hold my hand." I told him as we held hands, and then I opened the book. Red smoke started to come out of it but we didn't pay it any mind. "Nothing weird so far." I shrugged as we read through the pages.

"Oh, listen to this. Only a circle of salt can protect thy victims from thy power." I read the useful information.

As we were about to read more, Binx jumped on the book and he closed it shut. Max and I flinched in fear as we looked at Binx who glared at us.

"We were just trying to help you." I explained to him.

"Well, don't! Nothing good can come from this book. You got it?" He told us with a demanding tone as we nodded.

"Maybe we should go now." Max suggested as I nodded my head in agreement.

I put the book down as Max and I got up and walked out of his room. "Mom? Dad?" Max called out to his parents as he opened their room but no one answered. "Still not home. That's weird. Must be having a great time." He commented as we walked down the stairs.

"I don't know. Something's not right. I'd feel a lot safer walking home if we had some salt." I said, walking towards his kitchen.

He suddenly stopped making me stop as well as he led me to his pantry. He stepped on a chair as he started to look for salt.

"Salt." He said as he dropped the salt into my hands as he got off the chair and stood next to me. "What's it say?" He asked.

"It says form a circle of salt to protect from zombies, witches and old boyfriends." I read but made the last part up.

We looked at each other as we both smiled. "And what about new boyfriends?" He asked.

We started to lean in to kiss but just as our lips were about to meet we heard a crash from upstairs. We then looked at each other in realization. "Dani." Max said as we ran upstairs towards his room. "Dani!" He yelled.

I opened his bedroom door and and ran inside. We looked around his room as we slowly walked in. "Max, the book is gone." I told him as we looked at the place the book was at, only to find it missing. "I'm telling you, something's weird." I told him as I looked behind us.

Walking towards his bed, Max put his hand on what he thought was Dani. "Dani, wake up." He said as he took the covers off her, only it wasn't Dani, it was Sarah.

"Trick or treat!" She yelled as I screamed.

Max backed away from her and more towards the closet, which suddenly opened to reveal Mary and Winnie holding Binx and Dani hostage as they had the book.

"Looking for this?" Winnie asked, holding the book with a smug smile.

"Or this?" Mary asked as she showed a frightened Dani and Binx in a bag.

Max and I then saw the book blink as he screamed in fear and ran towards me, but unfortunately Winnie opened the book and blasted something towards him making him fall into his drum set.

I gasped in worry as I quickly knelt down to see if he was okay. I quickly got back up as I started to put salt all around me.

"Salt!" Winnie gasped as she backed away as I mentally cheered that this actually worked. "What a clever little white witch. But it will not save thy friends." She informed me as she walked closer to me. I put the salt in front of her in warning making her and her sisters stop. "No. Come, sisters. The candles magic is almost spent. Dawn approaches." She informed her sisters as the walked away, but I still held the salt in front of me just in case.

Sarah looked at me with a judging look as she stuck her tongue out at me as they took a screaming Dani.

They then picked up their rides and flew off with Dani and Binx. I flew back from the impact and coughed as I slowly stood up.

"Dani. Dani." I called out to her worriedly. As I watched the three witches take her away. "Dani!" I yelled out with fear.

I turned around and remembered Max was still there. I quickly ran towards him and removed one of the drums that was on top of his body. "Max. Max." I called to him as I gently picked him up, him groaning in pain. "Are you okay?" I asked him in worry.

"Where's Dani?" He asked me as I looked at him with a solemn face.

Sarah: Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land of enchantment
Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden of magic

We heard Sarah sing as we ran up the stairs. "Dani!" Max called out, hoping his sister was up on the roof but she wasn't.

We then saw all of the children walking towards the woods as they were in a trance because of Sarah's singing.

"Hey! Hey, you guys! Don't listen to her! Hey, up here! Don't listen to her!" He yelled but I grabbed his shoulders to make him look at me.

"Max! Max, I've figured it out." I told him.

"What?" He asked me with curiosity.

"Winifred said, the candle's magic will soon be spent, and dawn approaches. The black flame candle only brought them back for this one Halloween night. And unless they can steal the lives of children, when the sun comes up they're dust." I explained to him as he nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, but how can we make the sun come up?" He asked me. "They've got Dani. We need a miracle." He told me as we continued to watch the hypnotized children.

Max suddenly had a plan, we ran towards his Dad's car and got in as Max started to drive out of the driveway.

"Hurry, okay? Oh, watch out." I warned him as he was about to hit a kid.

"Come on! Get out of the way! Move it!" He yelled at the kids as he beeped the car horn and drove off.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

He put a spell on me (Max Dennison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now