Reunited (Finale)

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Slowly uncovering ourselves we smiled as we saw that the Sanderson sisters had died. "Oh, yeah." Billy whispered with glee.

"Max!" Dani called out as she ran towards him. "Max? Are you okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I think so." He responded.

"You saved my life." Dani said as they looked at each other.

"Well, I had to. I'm your big brother." Max told her, smiling at her gently.

"I love you, jerkface." Dani told him with a smile.

I smiled at the nickname she had picked. Max shook his head at her with a smile. "I love you too." He told her, they then started to hug.

Dani then pulled Max up and walked towards me. Max put an arm around my waist as I put an arm on his shoulder, we smiled at each other then looked at Billy who was already going back in his grave.

"Bye, Billy. Have a nice sleep." Dani told him, he smiled at her as he fully entered his grave.

"Hey, Billy." Max called out to him. Billy looked up at him with a curious face. "Thanks." Max smiled making Billy smile as well.

Finally, Billy fell into his grave, resting in peace. Or so we thought.

We laughed a bit at him, I then looked at Max and smiled at him. He looked at me also and smiled back.

"Where's Binx?" Dani asked as we started to look around for the black cat. "Binx? Binx." Dani called out but he didn't answer. Dani suddenly stopped and ran towards the dead cat. I covered my mouth in shock as we ran towards him.

"He's gone. He's gone, Dani." I sadly told her.

"But he can't die, remember?" She exclaimed, looking at the dead Binx. "Wake up, Binx. Binx, wake up. Like last time." She cried while hugging him.

Max and I looked at them sadly, tears were threatening to fall down my face when all of a sudden we hear Binx's voice. "Dani. Come on. Please don't be sad for me." We looked in the direction his voice came from.

I was shocked to see that Binx was now a ghost of his former self, as was Dani and Max. "Binx? Is that you?" Dani asked, slowly getting up as we walked towards him.

"Yeah." He responded, smiling at us as he also started to walk towards us. "The witches are dead. My soul's finally free." He explained, holding out a hand for Dani to take as she gladly accepted. Max and I watched their interaction with smiles on our faces as we hugged each other. "You freed me, Dani. Thank you." He said and suddenly looked at us. "Hey, Max. Thanks for lighting the candle." He thanked as Max shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

"Thackery! Thackery Binx!" Yelled a little girl as she emerged from the trees and smiled at Binx.

"It's Emily." Binx told us, we smiled at him encouragingly, wanting him to be with his sister. He then whispered something to Dani and kissed her cheek as he left to go reunite with his sister.

Looking at us one last time, Binx waved making us smile and wave back at him.

"Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?" We heard Emily ask her brother making him laugh.

"I'm sorry, Emily. I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle." Binx explained as they held hands and walked away.

We smiled at their reunion and walked towards each other. Max put his hands on Dani's shoulders gently while we continued to watch the dead siblings being whisked away by the sunrise.

After that moment Max and I started to date and I couldn't be any happier.

A/n: Not that much of the Sanderson sisters in this book, sorry. But I wanted to focus more on Max and y/n.

Anyway hope you all enjoyed this book. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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