New boy

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"Poor Thackery Binx. Neither his father, his mother, nor anyone else ever knew what became of him those 300 years ago." Our teacher retold the story of the Sanderson sisters. "And so the Sanderson sisters were hanged by the Salem town folk. Now, there are those who say that on halloween night a black cat still guards the old Sanderson house, warning off any who might make the witches come back to life!" She exclaimed, scaring one of the students as everyone laughed at the joke.

"Gimme a break." The new boy muttered, but I heard him.

It seemed that the teacher heard him as well, walking towards him with her with her arms crossed. "Uh-huh. We seem to have a sceptic in our midst. Mr. Dennison would you care to share your California, laid-back, tie-dyed point of view?" The teacher asked as everyone laughed at him.

"Okay. Granted that, uh, you guys here in Salem are all into these, uh, black cats and witches and stuff." He started saying but everyone groaned in annoyance at the word stuff.

"Stuff?" The teacher said offended.

"Fine. But everyone here know that halloween was invented by the candy companies." He explained stupidly. I rolled my eyes at his explanation as everyone groaned, he thought he was so grown up for halloween. "It's a conspiracy." He finished.

"It just so happens that halloween is based on the ancient feast called All Hallows Eve. It's the one night out of the year where the spirits of the dead can return to earth." I explained to him with a smug smile. Everyone cheered for me as the new boy looked back at his desk writing something down.

"Well said, y/n." The teacher praised me as I smiled at her. The new boy suddenly stood up and walked towards me, standing at the foot of my desk.

"Well, in case Jimi Hendrix shows up tonight, here's my number." He told me, giving me a piece of paper with his name and phone number on it.

'Max, how cute.' I thought as looked up at him and took the paper out of his hands. Everyone started to whistle at us as I mentally rolled my eyes at their childishness.

The bell rang and I got up, looked at Max with a teasing smile, grabbing my backpack I left without another word.


I was walking home wearing my f/c coat when Max suddenly rode beside me on his bike. "Y/n." He called out as I looked towards him.

"Hi." I greeted with a smile.

"Hi. Look, um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you in class." He apologized.

I smiled at him. "You didn't." I said as we stopped walking/riding for a moment.

"My name is Max Dennison." He introduced himself as he stuck his hand out.

I took it as we shook hands. "Yeah, I know. You just moved here, huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah, last week." He confirmed.

"Must be a big change for you." I told him.

"Yeah, that's for sure." He said while looking around.

I smiled and shook my head a bit. "You don't like it here?" I asked him with a teasing smile.

"Oh, the leaves are great, but- I-I don't know. Just all this halloween stuff." He stuttered out.

"You don't believe in it?" I asked him, again, with a teasing smile.

"What, do you mean, like, the Sanderson sisters? No way." He responded as I kept my smile.

"Not even on halloween?" I asked.

"Especially not on halloween." He answered.

I looked him up and down as I showed him a folded up piece of paper. "Trick or treat." I told him, giving him the paper as I walked away, putting my hood over my head.

He put a spell on me (Max Dennison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now