Raising the dead

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As we continued to run we suddenly stopped at the graveyards gate. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Come on! This is a graveyard." Max explained to the black cat.

"It's hollowed ground. Witches can't set foot here." The black cat responded. I widened my eyes in shock and looked at Max.

"He talks." He told us. I nodded my head numbly at the news.

The black cat jumped through the holes in the gate and started to run inside the graveyard. "Follow me!" He yelled out. I opened the gate and looked back to see if the Sanderson sisters were following us before walking inside the graveyard, trying to keep up with the cat.

"Over here. I want to show you something." The cat called out as we followed him to a grave. "Give you an idea of exactly what we're dealing with."

"'William Butcherson, lost soul'?" Max read with a confused tone.

"Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she found him sporting with her sister Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death." The cat explained to us. "Winifred always was the jealous type."

I widened my eyes in realization, knowing who this cat was. "You're Thackery Binx." I pointed out as he nodded his head.

"Yes." He said solemnly.

"Huh. So the legends are true." I smiled in fascination.

"Well, come along. I want to show you something else." Binx told us as he started to run off in a different direction making us follow.

We stopped at another gravestone but this one was smaller and less intimidating then the other one. Binx then started to tell us about the tale of how he tried to rescue his little sister but failed.

"Because of me my little sister's life was stolen. For years I've waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family. But Winifred's curse of immortality kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. Now, I'd fail Emily, but I wouldn't fail again." Binx told us as we looked at him with sad faces. "When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries I've guarded the house on All Hallows Night, when I knew that some airhead virgin might light that candle." Binx explained, directing the last part at Max.

Max rolled his eyes at the cat. "Nice going, airhead." Dani insulted her brother.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry, okay?" He apologized as he got up and stood in front of us. "We're talking about three ancient hags versus the 20th century. How bad can it be?" He asked with a shrug.

"Bad." Binx answered quickly with a deadpan stare. I was bored with the conversation and decided to look in the book. "Stay out of there!" Binx yelled at me and I quickly closed the book in fright.

"Why?" I asked him, confused as to why he yelled.

"It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it." He explained to me. I nodded my head understandingly and decided not to open the book anymore.

"Let's torch the sucker." Max suggested as he grabbed the book from my hands and put it on the floor. He lit the lighter he had on and tried to burn the book but the book repelled the fire.

"It's protected by magic." Binx told us as Max put the lighter away.

We suddenly hear laughter from above us, turning around we gasped at seeing the witches and we ran for cover.

"It's just a bunch of hocus pocus." Winnie mocked Max as she smiled evilly at us.

"Sarah." Winnie instructed her to go right. "Mary." She instructed her to ho left as she went through the middle. They were going to try and catch us.

We suddenly see Sarah flying towards us making us back away in fear. "Brave little virgin who lit the candle. I'll be thy friend." Sarah said as she held her hand out to Max.

I don't know why but that made my blood boil. "Hey, take a hike." I told her, grabbing a branch and started to hit her with it.

She screamed in pain as she flew up higher to get away from me. "Book. Come to mommy." Winnie called out. The book started to slowly levitate but Binx quickly sat on it so it wouldn't move.

"'Fraid not!" Binx yelled as he glared at the witch. We ran towards Binx and the book as we looked up at Winnie.

"Thackery Binx, thou mangy feline! Still alive?" Winnie teased him.

"And waiting for you!" He yelled out with spite.

"Thou has waited in vain. And thou will fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" She exclaimed making Binx hiss.

"Grab the book!" Binx instructed. Max quickly grabbed the book as we all ran away from the witches.

I suddenly screamed once I saw Mary heading towards us. We quickly ran in a different direction and stopped in a clearing.

"They can't touch us here, right?" Max asked Binx as he protected his sister.

"Well, they can't." Binx shrugged as I looked at him in worry.

"I don't like the way you said that." Dani nervously said.

"Me neither." I agreed.

"Unfaithful lover long since dead." Winnie started to chant as we all backed away from them. "Deep asleep in thy wormy bed, wiggle thy toes, open thine eyes, twist thy fingers toward the sky. Life is sweet. Be not too shy. On thy feet, so sayeth I!" Winnie finished.

The ground suddenly started to move. We screamed in fear and grabbed onto each other, trying not to fall. We leaned down a bit as we saw a coffin rise from the ground. We all looked at it terrified until a hand emerged from the coffin, then the rest of it's body.

The zombie shook his head from all the dirt and looked at us. We screamed in fear, running away from the dead man.

We ran under multiple tree branches, trying to get away from the zombie and the three witches. "In here!" Binx yelled. We followed him into a hole on the ground and fell in.

We waited for Max to show up and luckily he did. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing as he didn't get caught.

"Are you, okay?" I asked Dani, worry in my eyes. She nodded her head as she continued to cough because of the dust.

"What is this place, Binx?" Max asked the animal.

"It's the old Salem crypt." He responded.

"Here, take the book." I told Max as I handed him the book.

"It connects to the sewer and up to the street." Binx explained.

"Charming." I sarcastically said as I hugged Dani from behind.

"Don't look up, Dani." Max instructed his sister.

"Don't worry. I won't." She said, not minding the idea.

"Relax. I've hunted mice down here for years." Binx tried to reassure us but it didn't work.

"Mice?" Dani repeated in disgust. Binx then started to strut off with us following him.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I love you all, bye mis amores. ❤️

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