They're back

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I was done getting ready and started to head downstairs when I suddenly saw someone familiar. "Max Dennison." I called out. He looked at me with wide eyes, taking off his hat.

"Y/n." He greeted. The little girl next to him suddenly smiled.

"Oh! Y/n, hmm?" She smiled up at Max who shoved her lightly.

"I thought you weren't into Halloween." I teased him as I descended down the stairs.

"I'm not. I'm- I'm just taking my little sister Dani around." He explained as he grabbed his sisters hand and walked towards me.

"Well, that's nice." I smiled at them.

"I always do it." He smiled back as he hugged his sister sideways.

"My parents made him." She told me as Max shoved her lightly again.

I stifled a laugh as I looked at them. "Do you guys want some cider?" I asked them with a polite smile.

"Sure/No." Max and Dani said as I smiled and went to where they were serving apple cider. Grabbing two cups I turned around and gave one to Max.

"Thanks." He told me as we both took a sip of the drink. "So, um, how's the party?" Max asked.

"Boring. It's just a bunch of my parents' friends. They do this every year." I responded with a shrug. He nodded as he kept looking at me. 'It's so hard to keep my blush in.' I thought as I smiled at him. "I've got candy duty." I informed as I walked towards the candy table. "By the way, Dani, I love your costume." I complemented her.

"Thank you. I really like yours too. Of course, I couldn't where anything like that because I don't have any-. What do you call 'em, Max? Yabos?" She said making Max choke on his drink as I laughed at the information. "Max likes your yabos. In fact, he loves 'em."

Max laughed nervously at me as I smiled teasingly at him. "I'm really into witches." I told her as I grabbed some candy and put it in her bag.

"Really? Me too. We just learned about those sisters in school." She informed me as she licked a witch lollipop.

"Oh, you mean the Sanderson sisters? I know all about them. My mom used to run the museum." I told them with a smile. The Sanderson sisters was always my favorite topic. They're just so interesting to learn about.

"There's a museum about it?" Dani asked with interest.

"Yeah, but they shut it down because, um." I looked around and leaned more towards her. "A lot of spooky things happened there." I smirked at her.

"Well, wh-why don't we go to this old Sanderson house?" Max suggested, I looked at him unsure. "Well, come on. Make a believer out of me." He said.

I slowly started to smile and looked at him. "Okay, let me get changed. They'll never miss me." I told them as I quickly went upstairs to change my outfit.

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He put a spell on me (Max Dennison x reader)Where stories live. Discover now