Chatper Eight: 1985 Again

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October 27, 1985- 11:00am

A sonic boom and a burst of light and in a flash The DeLorean arrived on the tracks. Scott, Sophie, and Marty all grew wide-eyed. The train bells rang and dinged as Marty McFly rode up in The DeLorean, steam rolling off of it. Marty waved awkwardly as he passed people who were stuck in traffic, standing outside of their cars to see the sight.

*It's the same final scenes from Back to the Future III but it gets some new angles as a result of young Marty, Scott, and Sophie all watching on*

Marty stared out of the driver's side window which sat on the opposite side of Scott. Sophie, and the other Marty. Suddenly the sound of a train went off. The whistle was loud, the smoke stack burning from its top. Marty turned, staring at the train, shaken. The train hurdled towards him. Other Marty began to stand up before being yanked back down by Sophie and Scott.

"This is what's meant to happen!" Scott shouted.

Marty struggled to open the DeLorean door, finally lifting it, jumping, tucking and rolling out just in time to avoid being obliterated in The DeLorean by the yellow and blue train that plowed through The DeLorean, sending it flying into a ton of pieces all across the Eastwood Revine. The train mowed through it.

"Good God!" Marty shouted, Scott covering his mouth

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"Good God!" Marty shouted, Scott covering his mouth.

Marty watched from the other side of the tracks, still dressed in his western clothes as the train mowed through Doc's life's work, continuing its hurdle down the tracks. Western Marty stood up as the train continued past.

*the music cues*

The time circuits and the flux capacitor flashed the slightest bit of light before shutting back off at Marty's feet.

"Well Doc.. it's destroyed.. just like you wanted." Marty said with a lump in his throat, looking longingly down the tracks.

Marty's head dropped in sorrow before his head shot back up.

"Home." He said before sprinting off through the town.

Scott, Marty, and Sophie all followed him carefully from a distance in The DeLorean.

Marty ran down the road and between two big signs both reading "Lyon Estates".

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