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"Fuck! I hate this shit. So damn much."

Everything had been running smoothly all week, at work and at home. All my field sessions had been successfully rescheduled to the morning hours, enabling me to always get home on time and spend more time with my daughter. Only one thing was flawing the perfection. My precise circadian sleep rhythm.

My biological clock sent impulses to my brain at exactly 6am everyday, impulses that made me wake up and start my day. It had been accurate, so I'd never slept a minute after 6am for years. That also meant I never woke up a minute before 6am. It used to be an advantage but considering the fact that I'd decided to always cook breakfast for Mikayla, it was making me get to work late. I bought a little alarm clock from the store on my way back from work on Wednesday and set it to ring at 5am. Oh, it did ring the next day, I just didn't wake up to it. That was Thursday morning.

"Mi amiga, it's Friday. You should have gotten the hang of this thing by now. It's been a whole motherfucking week." Nelly responded to my incessant grumbling and complaints.

"Obviously, I haven't."

The scrambled eggs I was making in the pan looked like they could use a couple seconds in the low heat. "I really don't understand what the fuss is all about, Dee."

I huffed in mild frustration and turned off the electric cooker. "The fuss is that I'm not getting to work early enough, and that's just wrong. A stitch in time saves nine."

She yawned. "Why the fuck are you trying to save nine? I don't care about that bitch and you shouldn't either."

"Do you think this is a joke?"

Her eyes crinkled at the edges with unreserved amusement, contrasting the harsh glare on my face. She definitely thought it was a joke. "You look so fucking ugly when you're feisty, it's hilarious." Instinctively I looked away and she burst into an obnoxious laugh.

With a scowl on my face, I muttered. "Idiot."

While she tried to calm herself down, I set out the ingredients I'd use to make breakfast wraps for both of them. "So in conclusion, you can't double task. That's quite sad." I looked up from the cheddar cheese I was grating to give her a puzzled look. "I mean you're either a super mom or a super worker. You can't be both. I'd say you should be a super mom cos the meals you've been making for us have been banging. Goddamn!" I scoffed and ignored the glutton. "I ain't joking, chica. That chocolate cake you left for me was like a little piece of heaven. It was so good, it even tasted better than cum."

The knife I was using to chop onions slipped off my fingers and clattered noisily against the kitchen island. "Why would you compare my food to body fluids? You mustn't make everything sexual. It makes me feel weird." She snickered and I picked the knife to continue from where I stopped. "Besides, I don't think cum is sweet so your analogy is faulty."

"It's obviously not but it's not like it's sour either. It just tastes weird. Not weird awkward, just weird like uhm, different. But then the experience is so good, the brain starts to perceive it as sweet tasting." I gave her the stink eye and she rolled her own eyes. "You're acting like Diego wasn't eating you out everytime."

I narrowed my eyes and stopped folding the tortilla. "Eleanor Ruiz, that's a hard no. That's the fucking limit. Apologize. Right now."

Eleanor was reserved for when I was extra mad and she knew that. So she let out a deep breath before nodding in acceptance. With her hands clasped together at her chin and her head raised upwards slightly, she started her apology. "Dear Diego, it's been a fat minute. What's up with you? As you probably noticed, Dee has been so uptight and probably has a rod up her big ass. Anyways, I apologise for saying you were ravaging her genitals. Forgive me." Her hands dropped to her sides and her eyes met mine. "Happy now?"

SOUL TIES (The Sánchez Brothers Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now