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"You've been in there for a fucking long time. Come the fuck out!"

I glared at the door for a good two minutes, silently wishing that Nelly could feel it through the wood. Letting out a sigh of annoyance, I turned my attention back to the full length in front of me and smoothed my palm over the bodice of my dress. Nelly wasn't wrong though, I'd been in here for a fat minute, but only because it took me a while to find the dress.

My D cup boobs peeked out just a little from the buttons I'd intentionally left open. I wasn't a bishop, no need to button it up to the neck. The ribbed beige gown clung to my every curve and stopped a little above my ankle. I wore a pair of brown sandals and I gave the woman in the mirror a thumbs up. I looked banging, sexy, delicious. Okay, that last one might a tad bit too extreme but anyways, I looked good. Time to go out and see what they thought of it too.

I unlocked my door and walked in the living room. "Finally." Nelly grumbled and I just scoffed.

On the sofa, Andre leaned forward and pinched his bottom lip as his eyes dragged down the length of my body. I squirmed, because I knew that look. He was probably undressing me in his head.

"You look so good." His eyes met mine and he leaned back into the seat. "You should wear this one."

I looked down at the dress again. "Are you sure? Cos that was what you said the last time, yet Nelly said it was terrible."

I turned to Nelly and she nodded in reaffirmation. "It was fucking terrible. It was giving hooker-meets-virgin, and not in a sexy way. I see bitches like that all the time and it's just a fucking sour look." She gestured at Andre and scowled. "Don't listen to him. Y'all be fucking and swapping spit everytime, you can't expect him to make rational observations."

I gasped at her vulgarity. "Nelly!" Andre however was chuckling and not in the least offended.

"What? That's the truth, ain't it? He probably won't mind if you stepped out naked. Bet he'll even prefer that." At that point, both of them were wheezing in laughter while I stuck out like a sore thumb, deep scowl on my face.

"Don't listen to her, bebita. You look beautiful in everything. Even if you wore a potato sack, you'd still look better than the models in The New York Fashion Week." Andre said and a blush sneaked out on my face.

Nelly made gagging sounds. "Y'all are so disgusting. Cute, but still. Fucking disgusting. And y'all aren't even dating dating, just fucking. I have fuck buddies too, none of them tells me I look beautiful. It's always I look sexy or hot or something like that." My eyes widened as she rambled on and I was forced to clap my hand over her mouth. I shot Andre an apologetic look as his shoulder shook in amusement.

"We're leaving. Lock the damn door." I pulled Andre out of the house. Well, that was crazy. I apologized on her behalf in his car as we drove off.

"I'm sorry about Nelly. She's not always like that, I swear." One of his brows went up as he gave me a knowing grin that made me backtrack. "Alright, she's always like this. You probably know this already."

He shrugged as the car zoomed on the highway. "She's an adult, we all have our issues and different coping mechanisms to deal with those issues." I nodded in agreement. "Some people like to joke about them, others become depressed about it. Same way people deal with their issues, while others run away from them." I turned to him and saw he was already looking at me with a loaded stare.

"Uhmmm, yeah?" I cleared my throat. "Why do I feel like you're no longer talking about Nelly and now talking about something else? Or someone else?"

He shook his head in humor. "Oh Sky, you really are something."

SOUL TIES (The Sánchez Brothers Series, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now