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matts pov

I was laying down next to my beautiful girlfriend, y/n. I'm admiring her. She's so pretty. The way her hair flows and the way it falls perfectly on her face. I'm so lucky to have her. Her head in my chest while im scrolling on my phone. Until I see a baby on tiktok. "aww she's adorable!!" I say in a high pitch voice. "What is it?" she asks. I show her my phone revealing the cute baby. "she is very adorable" y/n says.

I go to their page and see even more babies. This account is literally full of cuteness. It's making me want a baby. "heyyyy y/nnn" I say. "yes matt?" she responds. "what iffff we had a baby??" I say with a smile. She raises away from my chest looking at me waiting for me to say I was joking. "Oh you're serious??" She asks. "yesss!! it would be so cuteeee. we would be like a cute little familyy" I say trying to convince her. "matt..were way too young to have one. besides you don't wanna replace your baby right here!!" she says looking up at me. "But it would be so funnn!! pleaseeee. I know we're young but honestly I think we could pull it off!!" I say trying to convince her even more. "Nooo maybe in a few years babe" she says. I start frowning. "Fine." I say.

"How are we gonna have a baby anyways when you're already the big baby in the relationship." She says laughing. "Am not!!" I say frowning. "Yes you are" she responds. "whatever. at least its cute. right?" i ask. "yes its cute. now can we sleep. this baby talk is making me tired." she says moving closer into my chest. "Fine." I say. "I love you matt." she says kissing me. "I love you y/n" i say kissing her back.


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