he cheated pt 1

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
y/n's pov

(Instagram text)

@christophersturniolo: y/n I have to tell you something, answer fast!!

@y/nusername: what happened???

@christophersturniolo: i know matt is my brother, but im trying to be a better person by telling you this.

@y/nusername: okay...what?

@christophersturniolo: matt cheated.

@y/nusername: sorry, what?

@christophersturniolo: he cheated on you with his ex.

@y/nusername: proof?? I need proof chris.

@christophersturniolo: (2 attachments)

@christophersturniolo: (2 attachments)

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@christophersturniolo: this is what matt sent me

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@christophersturniolo: this is what matt sent me. I caught him texting her and I told him to tell you but he got scared, so he sent me the screenshots to tell you. Im so so sorry y/n. I also am pretty sure he texted her more.

@y/nusername: are you fucking kidding me?? Is that why he told me he couldnt come over? Im so upset. where is he now?

@christophersturniolo: he's here at home with nick and I.

@y/nusername: im coming over right fucking now

you put on your shoes and a jacket and headed out the door. you were sad, upset, and pissed. you didnt know what to do, nor what to say.

after arriving to matts house you sprinted to the door and practically banged on the door.

"matt!!!!" you yelled. Chris opens the door. "hes upstairs in his room." he says. you walk upstairs going to matts room door. "open the fucking door!!" you yell banging on the door. He opens the door. "y/n-" he says before you cut him off. "why did you do this to me?" you ask with tears pooling down your eyes. "how long have youve been texting her?" you ask softly. "a week-" you cut him off again. "a we- A WEEK!??" you say in shock. "Im so sorry" he says. "no youre not matt." you say. "were done matt. after all of the love i gave you..and how much ive helped you with mental health. you threw it all away matt." you say putting your hands over your eyes. "y/n.. im sorry" he says trying to give you a hug but you push him away. "what about the plans we made matt?" you say. "fuck you." you walk out of his room. you go back downstairs. "y/n? whats wrong?" nick says. "matt cheated. I have to go. Ill text you" you say leaving out of the door.

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