enimies to lovers

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y/n's pov

"nick can you tell him to fuck off?" I yell in an upset tone. "matt just get out of my room" nick says. He's tired of me and matts arguments every second, he thinks were secretly 'in love'. I could never love matt like that, hes so fucking annoying sometimes. He makes my blood boil so much.

"she's the one being an asshole. i did nothing wrong." he says rolling his eyes. "asshole? you have been on my nerves all day!! you wonder why i hate you so goddamn much" i complain. "Glad the feelings are mutual" he exists the room slamming nicks door. "fucking bitch" i mumble.

"You guys need to stop. This happens every day!!" nick yells. "whatever its his fault" i say shrugging my shoulders. "its both of you guys. you know what.." "me and chris are leaving tomorrow to see a movie, matt was gonna go but i have a great idea." he says smiling. "um what?" I ask. "you and matt are gonna spend the day together. In this house. You guys can bake or watch movies. Just please spend some quality time together" he says trying to get me to say yes. "nice joke" i chuckle. nick stares at me for a while. "You're serious? Oh hell no!!" I yell. "Ughh come on! I'll take you shopping to get that bracelet you want" he smiles, bribing me. "Nope im good" i smile sarcastically.

"Please!!" he puts his head down trying to make me feel bad. "whatever fine." I give in. "YES!! YOU WONT REGRET THIS" he smiles.

Chris and nick are heading out of the door to go to the movies or whatever. Matt and I are already regretting this. "Bye guys!! Dont kill eachother" nick smiles shutting the door.

"so what now?" I ask. "im going to my room bye" he walks up the stairs leaving to his room. "okay whatever" i mumble. "hm?" he stops on the stairs. "I said okay whatever" i repeat. "mm okay" he continues walking up the stairs. "so annoying." I say.

there isnt anything to do. matt is in his room doing whatever and im just here in the living room. Im kind of getting hungry though. I walk over to the fridge looking inside. I hear my phone ring. Its my friend, xavier. 'hey' i say. 'hey where are you?' he asks. 'at my friends house why?' I ask with a confused face. I put my phone on speaker so i could grab a pepsi out of the fridge. 'um would you wanna go on a date with me? like today' he asks. 'um i-' i say but i get interuppted by matt. "whos that?" he asks. "are you eavesdropping?" I ask. "nope. just asking" he says. 'hello? y/n.' xavier says on the phone trying to get my attention. 'uh yeah, um i dont think i want to. I dont see you as more than a friend xav.. im sorry' i say. 'oh, thats fine' he says hanging up.

"what do you want matt?" I close the fridge. "nothing from you" he chuckles. "oh my god you're so funny" i say with sarcasm. "I know, thats what everyone says" he smiles. "ugh, please leave" i say waving him away. "Im good thanks" he walks over to the cabinet. He grabs cookie mix and other ingredients to make it. "i shouldve went on that date. So i wouldnt be stuck here with you" i say. "date? what date?" he says looking at me from the counter. "my friend asked me on a date? why are you so nosy?" I ask with attitude. "Im not?" he chuckles awkwardly. "anyway, im making cookies. do you want any?" He asks. "no, they've gonna taste like shit. Im good" i smile. "why are you such a bitch to me?" he asks slamming the bowl on the counter. "why are YOU such a bitch me?" I ask.

"WHAT?? I LITERALLY DID NOTHING?" he yells. "oh yeah cause you're the victim right? you neverrrr do anything to me hm? you are sooo nice!!" I say with sarcasm. Matt slams the cookie tray on the counter existing the room. The loud noise causing me to jump in scare.

"matt?" I knock on his door. "what now?" he asks. "Im sorry" i say. I really was. Im such a bitch to him because hes a bitch to me. I dont know why. I do nothing to him. I love matt. Believe it or not im in love with him. But its hard to be in love with him if hes gonna treat me like total shit.

He opens the door and stares at me. "what?" he asks. "i said..im sorry" i repeat. "its okay" he says. "and?" I say. "and im sorry." he looks away trying not to make eye contact. "okay well um..i have a date to go to so.." he said and closed the door right in my face. "what the fuck?" I walk away from his door.

Why did he do that?? After apologizing? "okay see ya" he says walking towards the door. "who are you going with" i ask with concern. Why did i ask that? Now it seems like im jealous. "im not actually going on a date. It was just to make you jealous" he laughs. "i- im not jealous? I could care less" i cross my arms. "dont lie" He sits on the couch next to me. "Im not?" I scoot over a bit getting away from him. "you know you love me" he smiles. "what??" I ask. He isnt wrong. He scoots over to me and puts his arm on the too of the couch. He looks at me. "you don't actually hate me, do you?" he asks.

"no..i.." i stutter. "GOD WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? YOU WANT THE TRUTH SOO BAD? IM IN LOVE WITH YOU MATT.." I yell quickly. "wait what?" he asks in a shocked tone. "Ive been in love with you for 6 months matt. You never noticed me. you never noticed my love for you." I look down my legs. why did i say that? "I love you. I feel the same way, i just felt like you never cared. So, i started being shitty to you because you were always getting asked iut on dated by your guy friends and i just wish it was me. I know you never had went on the dates but i just..i just want you to love me." he says. "im so sorry matt" i gave him a huge hug. He hugs me back. "you really feel that way about me?" he smiles small. "I do matt." I answer.

He gives me a smile and pulls me in for a kiss. I kiss him back. He puts his hands on my waist hugging it while kissing me. He starts tickling me with his fingers on my stomach. "stop!!" I laugh. "no. I love your laugh" he smiles admiring me. "matt." I say softly. "will you be my girlfriend?" he asks before i get to say anything. "of course i will" i smile. "cmere" he picks me up and kisses me all over my face. "KNEW IT!!" A yell comes from the door opening. Its nick. "CHRIS GIVE ME 20 BUCKS RIGHT NOW" He yells.

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