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tw: eating disorder. if you're uncomfortable with this subject please skip this chapter!! <3

(matts pov)

It's been a while since I've had an actual meal. The only thing i can keep down is a snack, barley that. I'm trying to eat but I just cant. Im way too insecure and it makes me physically sick if I even look at a food. Lately I've been wearing hoodies, hiding my weight. I've lost so much from the lack of food. I don't know what happened to me but sometimes I feel like I'm not even here anymore. I haven't spoke to anyone about this, which is probably a good thing.

(y/n pov)

I'm at my apartment waking up from a nap I took. I miss my boyfriend alot, he hasnt be present recently and I want to make sure he's doing okay. I get up and throw on one of matts t-shirts and some sort of baggy jeans. I grab my keys and drive to his house. When I arrive, I knock on the door waiting for an answer. "hey y/n!!" Chris says opening the door. "Hey chris" i respond giving him a hug. "I assume you're here for matt?" He says hugging me back. "Yeah, hes been really distant and secretive and he just wears hoodies all the time so I just wanna make sure he's alright." I say. "I agree. Well he's in his room, obviously. Good luck y/n" he responds.

"thanks" i say walking to the stairs going up them. I walk to his door, its locked. "Matt? Its me y/n" I say knocking on his door. He unlocks it letting me in. "Hey baby" he says in a voice like he just woke up. "Hi love. I missed you" I say bringing him into a hug. He feels...different. "I missed you too y/n." He says in a low voice. "Hey matt," i say. "Yeah?" He asks. "Are you doing okay?" I ask looking into his eyes. "Of course I am love!" He says smiling at me. "Okay, I love you so so much." I say hugging him tighter. "I love you so much more." He says hugging me back.

"can we cuddle?" I ask. "Yeah okay" he says taking my hand and pulling me on the bed onto his chest. "this is nice." he says. "yeah it is" i say with a smile. Until 5 minutes later matts sleep, or so I thought. "Matt? You're asleep already?" I ask. I tap him making sure he was okay because we never mentioned going to sleep this early. "Matt?" I say. He doesnt even move. I tap him even harder. "Matt!!!" I yell. Oh fuck. Why isnt he waking up??

"Chris!!!!" I scream. Chris sprints into here and so does nick. "What happened!?" Chris asks with worry. "Matt isnt waking up!! Help!!" I say, tearing up. "Its gonna be okay y/n. Hes gonna be okay!!" Nick says in a comforting manner. "Okay!? He cant be fucking okay!! He wont wake up!!" I say yelling at nick. "Take his hoodie off. Maybe he passed out from a hear wave. Its pretty hot in here." Chris says trying to make things better. I pull off matts hoodie. "Guys? Hes so.. so small. Has he been eating??" I ask. "I- I dont know. For fucks sake he hasn't even came out of his room!" Chris says stuttering.  "What the fuck is happening dude!!" Nick screams.

"Okay guys just. Just calm down. Check his pulse." I say. Nick goes over to matt checking his pulse on his neck. "Hes breathing." Nick says in relief. "Oh thank god!!!" I say. "We have to call the ambulance or something!!" Chris says. Chris pulls his phone out but before he could matt wakes up and gasps. "Matt!! Baby!!" I yell hugging him tight. "what happened?" matt asks. "We need to talk matt. About your health. Im so worried!! Especially after that!!" I say crying. "Its okay y/n, Im okay!!" He responds. "Matt you literally scared the fuck out of us" nick said. "im sorry guys. I dont even know what happened." Matt says. "Come on nick. Lets give them time to talk. Matt we'll talk to you later." Chris says. Nick nods and walks out with chris.

I sit up with matt. "Baby? What's going on with you? All of the hoodies and you being distanced from everyone. You don't look the same anymore. Im so worried babe." I say. "Im so sorry. Im having a hard time eating. I havent had a meal in days and im losing so much weight from not eating and i guess i just got dizzy and passed out. I dont know why I cant eat." He says looking down.

"Oh matt." I say giving him a hug. "Im so so so sorry y/n" he says while crying. "Shh its okay baby. Im gonna help you!! Okay? I love you so much." I say comforting him. "I love you so so much. Im so sorry." He says again. "Its okay matt." I say. "Im gonna help you get through this baby. I don't want you to feel like this forever. And i promise you wont." I say rubbing his back. "Im so hungry y/n, but i just cant do it." He says.

time skip
(matts pov)

It's the next day. Y/n has been helping me eat well. I finally had my first meal in a while. Im so lucky to have her as my girlfriend and my best friend. Y/n and I are in the car finishing our meals. "thank you so much y/n." I say smiling. "Of course matt. Im so proud of you!!" She says smiling at me. "I love you baby." I say kissing her. "I love you more matt."

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