beach confession

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

matts pov

"are you ready?" I ask. Y/n and I are going to the beach to hang out. And since were on vacation its really close so we dont have to drive. Nick and Chris didnt want to come, but im also glad that they didn't because im gonna confess my feelings to y/n.

I hope it goes good. Y/n and I have that kind of bond thats really close. Like best friends that cuddle and hang out 24/7.

"yup im ready, you?" she smiles. "yup" i smile back. "wait i forgot to get you a jacket, hang on" I say. She has a bathing suit on and its 10:00 pm so its kind of cold from the water breeze and its windy. Its still hot and a good temperature to get in the water though. Also not to be "overprotective" but people are weird so, i dont want her to feel uncomfortable. I also grabbed a small blanket for us to sit on, and two towels for us.

"okay here" I put the jacket around her. "thank you" she smiles kissing my cheek. "come on" I take her hand interlocking my fingers with hers. We head outside walking to the beach thats 3 minutes away.

While walking we just had a few convos about random things. Once we arrive i place down the blanket and set the towels down.

y/n's pov

I take matts hand and run to the water. "this is like arctic breeze water" he chuckles. "Its not that cold" i say. "it is" he replies. "drama king" i roll my eyes. "did you just roll your eyes at me" he says with a sarcastic shocked face. "yes and what about it?" i ask. "im throwing you in the water" he picks me up in his arms. He runs into the water more. "ready?" he asks. "No!! Dont throw me in the water. How do you know if i can swim?" I ask. "I was kidding" he says. "yeah yeah" i say. "come onnn lets have fun" i say grabbing his arm. "okay" he smiles.

We go near the deeper part of the water. "I thought you couldn't swim" he says with confusion. "I know, i cant" "which is getting on your back" I smile. "Fine" he replies. I get on his back. I put my arms around him while he holds my legs. "dont drop me" i say. "no promises" he mumbles. He starts walking into the deeper part. "woops" Matt says faking to drop me. "dont do that!!" i yell. "It was a joke" He laughs. "I hate you" i joke. "no you dont, you love me" he says. "do i?" I ask. "yes" he replies. "okay fine" i smile.

"I have to tell you something" he says. He slightly takes me off of his back and holds me in the front instead. I put my hands around his neck. "first lets go back in the sand" he says. We go back to the sand. He puts me down and holds my waist, pulling me closer. "I love you y/n. Not as a friend, as something more." he says looking into my eyes.

"what?" I say. "I love you matt, as something more." I smile. "thank go-" he says before i cut him off his a kiss. He kisses me back. He holds me tighter. The kiss goes on for 2 minutes. "if you dont be my girlfriend i will literally die" he says breaking the kiss. "I will definitely be your girlfriend" i smile. "good" he smiles kissing me back.

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