late night talks

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It's a rainy night, small thunder, and a dark room. cuddled up with my boyfriend, matt.

"you're squishing mee" I try to push him off. "you're so warmm!! i cant help it." he replies putting his head in my stomach even more. "i cant breathe" I say in a dramatic tone. "sorry!!" he gets off of me. "im kidding. come back" I say. "YAY!!" he gets back on me.

time skip

"question." he says. "yeah?" i reply playing with his hair. "what does your future look like? what do you genuinely want in your future?" he asks hugging me softly. "well, i want my future to be with you. just us. we have a nice house, nothing big. thats all i want." I smile continuing to play with his soft hair. "marriage? or kids?" He looks at me smiling. "marriage, yes. kids, maybe." I say. "what about you?" I ask. "with you. a nice house. marriage, yes. kids, definitely. i want to spend my entire life with you." he kisses my stomach. "why definitely for kids?" I laugh at him kissing my stomach because it tickles. "because it will be so cute!! like we could take them to school everyday and make them lunches and take them places with us!!" he smiles.

"well you will have to wait about..5 years matthew. we're only 19" i smile back. "yeahh, what a bummer.." he frowns. "plus you already have a baby right here. me!!" I say. "true." he moves to my face to put kisses all over it. "matt stop it!!" I laugh. "whyyyy. your face is so kissable" he continues. "because it tickles" i reply. "you dont want my kisses?"he says trying to bribe me. it worked. "nono i do. come here!!" he continues kissing my face.

time skip

"it's literally 1 am. how are we not sleep?" he asks. "maybe because the thunder is so fucking loud." *BOOMM* "shut the fuck up thunder!" I frown. matt starts laughing at me. "its not funny matt" i say rolling my eyes. "it kind of is" he smiles. "we need to sleep!!" I say. "i agree but its nice." he smiles. "what is?" I ask. "this. us talking and cuddling. its nice" he says getting closer to me. "youre so cute" i say smiling at him. "you more." he replies. "nope." I say. "yes" "no!!" "y/n stop it" he shuts me up with a kiss. I start blushing. I look away so he didnt see. "are you blushing?" he leans over to look at my face. "aww you are" he says teasing me. "fuck off!!" I say smiling uncontrollably. "neverrrr" he says.

time skip

matts pov

y/n fell asleep. shes so cute when she sleeps but i really want to adjust how im laying. "y/nn can you lay on me insteaddd" i tap her softly. "mm" she groans. "come onnn" i say frowning. "you know what." I pick her up off of the bed. "matt!! put me down!! im sleepy." she yells. "lay on me please. im desperate" i give her puppy eyes in a jokingly way. "fine." she says in a raspy voice.

i lay down and she lays on my chest. "happy?" she says. "yes im very happy" i say smiling. "cmon lets sleep. its late." she says hugging my waist. "okay, goodnight my love." i kiss her forhead. "goodnight baby. i love you" she smiles. "I love you more."


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