Chapter 4 "Other Business"

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Scarlett and his companions  are now getting ready and arranging their private flight to Korea where their mission is going to be done...They landed in South Korea in their private airport at night even though they leave London in the morning,they need to adjust for the time difference....They all arrive to their Massive Hideout mansion where,maybe almost  1,000 people can live there...

Scarlett:"Okay, everyone make your selves feel at home, settle all things down and have some rest cuz we're having much work to do later..Go to your respective places...oh and i almost forgot, tomorrow have some sparring guys so you'll be hyped up and always be ready because boss can send us to our missions in surprise..So that, you won't Panic..Dismiss"

(After Scarlett finished instructing her companions, everyone respectfully proceed to their respective places..And just like the normal people they can do some gossips,but they will be really more careful to not leak it to others or be heard by the leaders and especially the Queen cuz,hehe I don't know what the Queen would do to them.. XD)

Girl1:"Hmm,even though the majesty is kinda look creepy,but still she cares ya know"

(She whispered to the other girl)

Girl 2:"Of course , she's still a human being ya know, she's not a robot with no feelings."



(The moon is now shining outside,giving some light reflection into Scarlett's Room.... She's now standing at the outside balcony as she feel the cold wind brush her hair and touch her skin,gazing at the moon,she started talking.)

Scarlett:"(breaths out deeply)I wonder what will be my life if your still alive,mom,dad? Maybe i am now working as a pharmacist with my sister now(chuckles)Mom,Dad i miss you!(Tears started rolling down her cheeks)I promise i will get revenge and give you the justice so that you can rest in peace.(Sobs)I will be strong..And i want you to know that i will never,ever forget everything you taught me.(sobs)

(Scarlett let her tears roll down her cheeks..And Yeah, Scarlett has this side of her talking to the moon like it was her parents and finding the night as her peace time... She's starting sharing things, talking,looking at the moon.)

Scarlett:"You know mom,Dad Edward is so hands on to us since he adopted us, though we're training roughly but still he cares for us,just like you dad.I don't know the purpose why your gone so early in my side,but yet God send someone to be the one who will going to raise us up, carefully and bravely...Thank you for that God.."

While Scarlett was talking, Jessalyn hear the rest of it and came in and back hugged her sister... Scarlett slightly flinch by the sudden action of her sister..

Jessalyn:"Sis, why are you crying?"

Scarlett:"Oh,j-just nothing.I just miss mom and dad."

Jessalyn:"Hmm.well sis I'm sure that they're watching over us,and me too i miss them.but we need to keep up and deal with the things..."

Scarlett:"Yeah, your right..(Turns around and faced her sister)And i will promise you that no matter what happens,i will protect you.The moon is our witness.(Smiles)

Jessalyn:"(Wiping her sisters tears by her fingers)Yeah i know that..I too,will promise that no matter what happens i will be always by your side,with Dad Ed, we'll support you."

Scarlett:"Thank you Sis..I love you."

Jessalyn:"I love you more sis!So stop crying now, it's getting late and you need to rest ya know."

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