Chapter 6 "Surprise Attack"

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(Another chapter babies,hope you enjoy it  and apologize for some of the changes about the texts form. Thank You ☺️💓)


1week later*

After the celebration, everyone is back to their businesses especially Scarlett so that they can continue their postponed mission and dissccus some things..She tell Edward everything what happened to the celebration because she didn't get the chance to talk with him last time because Edward is busy..Edward is happy to hear it but at the same time feeling regret because he didn't get the chance to be with and celebrate with them..

Wednesday 7:26 pm


Edward:"My sweethearts are so beautiful,i feel regretful that i didn't see you in your attires."(Sad tone)

Scarlett:"Don't worry dad, there's always next time.We can celebrate together again.."

Edward:"Yeah, your right..Oh by the way regarding to the mission,still didn't notice anything about our enemy that they're going to attack us...But please, always be alert,cuz they can initiate without us knowing.. Please tell you comrades to always do some sparring and train themselves again and always be prepared..."

Scarlett:"Roger that..Thank you for checking us up dad..I need to go back to work..We love you dad..Byee

Edward:"Okay okay,love you sweeties take care."

Call Ended

After the call ended, Jessalyn suddenly appear, wearing her battle suit and gears and she handed some files to her..
"That files is already arranged.. Every details that we need is already in there and our  20 backups is already prepared and waiting at the basement for your announcement.."    Scarlett nodded while flipping the files and handing it back to her..    "Okay.Ghost 613(Jessalyn's name code)go tell them that in 10 minutes we're going out.."
"Copy that.your majesty.."

Jessalyn take her leave and is going to the basement to their backups to prepare while Scarlett immediately entered her office to get change..she wear her black colored clothes,(Well,you can just imagine whatever gets to your mind about her outfit),her gears and gun holders..and finally picking up her two high powered short guns putting it in her gun holder at her waist..

(maybe your wondering now what are they doing..)

They're going to have a secret mission where their going to destroy a drugs den/hideout where every drug gambling,barters are happening without the police knowing it..And also this is where high class drugs came from..In short, they're going to help the police but police won't know it..

"Gazer 213(Amanda's code name), you'll lead the other five men and go to the computer monitors (Pointing at some map)and carefully tell us what's in their monitors,cuz your going to be our eyes and make your five men to be lookout.."

Scarlett is discussing this inside the black van, telling her companions about what are they going to do , still heading to the location.. There are 1 convoy behind them, which is the other troops..

"And Ghost 613, your going with me, we'll confront them with our ten men and the rest of other are going to protect us from the outside, Understood?."

"Copy That!"they said in unison..

(Of course , everyone can hear her instructions even on the other van that is following them cuz they have their earpieces to hear their communications.Just clarifying k?hehe)

Minute later they arrive at the hidden location,they exited their vehicles and wear a black face mask.(A mask that only your mouth is covered,like a surgical mask.Haha) they started roaming and observing the insides of the hideout,but one the men of this hideout seems to notice one of Scarlett's men and is now shouting that someone is roaming around and this alarm everyone that are in the hideout including Scarlett's companion and the firing started..Still Scarlett's plan worked,but they are now fighting and firing back face to face..

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