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Germany 3rd POV
Germany slowly opened his eyes and quickly closed them as the bright light of the day blinded him.

That's when he heard a loud bark followed by a very loud hiss.

He groaned into his pillow and reluctantly got up.

He went into that hall to see Glo (His white German Spitz) trying to intimidate Lebkuchen (His ginger german longhair) while Pfanni (his light coloured german Shepard) standed to the side, hiding his face in his paws.

"Glo, weg von Lebkuchen!" (Get away from Lebkuchen) Germany said firmly.

Glo let out a little growl and ran down the stairs. Lebkuchen looked very annoyed before quickly moving on. She started to rub around Germany and meowed, trying to get picked up.

Germany of course gave in and picked her up while scratching her head. She purred loudly and was very displeased when Germany put her down on the floor. She let out a grumpy meow and went to sleep against Pfanni, who had went into his big doggy bed.

Germany sighed and turned to go down the stairs. He buttered a pretzel, got some cut meats and chopped some fruits.

He looked at the time and noticed he had an hour before having to go to a very important meeting for countries. It was going to get hosted in Russia. Thankfully Russia had let him have teleportation rights, as he knew Germany wouldn't just come to the cold country in the purpose of annoying him.

When he finished his greasy meal, he got up to get ready. He dressed in a red no sleeve vest, a white long-sleeve under shirt, some dark dress trousers and a yellow bowtie to top it off.

He put his dress glasses (they were a thin black sculpture with some gold touches). Pet his animals goodbye and snapped his fingers before appearing in front of Russia's edifice.

The air around him was of a deadly cold (Like Russia). He looked towards the building. It was a tall and intimidating skyscraper (Like Russia).

He opened the doors of the huge edifice and was met with a very simple reception. He went up to the desk and saw a women that looked like she was in the middle of working.

From the look of the white horse and the red background, it was Moscow.

"Um... Hello there." Germany tried. The women finally looked up from her desk, looking annoyed, before realization looked like it hit her.

"Germany, I am guessing?" She said with a strong accent. Germany nodded and the lady looked beside her. "You are a bit early but, no matter. Go up to the 15th floor, first door to your right. Stay out of the left room."

Germany nodded and went towards the elevators. He pressed the button and the elevator came a second later. He went up to the 15th floor and had a moment of regret.

'W-wait...Right or left..?' He really wasn't sure so he played the scene back in his head. 'She said...Stay out of the right room...right..?'

He grabbed his courage by two hands and went towards the left door.

He opened the door and- oh.

There was Russia. Behind a desk.

He was in Russia's personal office.

"Moscow, I told you not to-" As Russia crossed the stare of Germany, Germany closed the door very fast, while apologizing and felt himself redden up from embarrassment. "Germany?" He heard a loud voice come from the doors behind him. "Come back in here." A firm voice said.

Germany slowly opened the door and got crossed with a hard look from a certain tall country. He took note that Russia was standing up.

"Why did you come in my personal office?" A hard accent asked him.

"I thought this was the meeting room." Germany responded with as much confidence as he could muster, which was not a lot considering he was getting scolded like a child.
He noticed that Russia was getting a bit too close for comfort.

"Didn't Moscow tell you to stay out of the left room?" Russia asked, clearly annoyed.

"I didn't...I was a bit distracted when she told me that." He said, sheepishly.

"Why are you here anyways? The arrival time is in 15 minutes." Russia questioned, now towering over Germany, who stood 5'8 beside a 6'10, maybe taller country.

"I like to arrive early, to get documents and important things sorted trough." Germany responded quietly, feeling quite frightened. The harsh look Russia was giving him didn't help at all.

"I see, we'll, since you've rudely interrupted my work, I imagine that I'll do the same." Russia spoke. He grabbed a bag that was sitting on a chair and opened the door for Germany. Germany was a bit surprised that-"Well go already. We don't have all day." Russia rushed while rolling his eyes.

Germany looked down a bit flustered while entering the right door that he was originally suppose to go into.

The room was simple with all the necessities. It had a big circle table. He knew that it was only certain countries meeting today as there was only a full country meeting once a year.

He took place in a random chair and Russia sat right beside him, which to be honest intimidated Germany. He got his papers out. He first of all pulled out a list of subjects he wanted to bring up.

He scribbled a few notes down before getting every other things ready. When suddenly a voice startled him.

"YOU want to discuss maple syrup shipments with Canada?" He jumped a bit before looking over to see Russia reading his lists of subjects.

"Is that a problem, Russland?" Germany said as his german accent and side got stronger as he was nervous. Russia gave him a curious-bored look before signalling a small 'no'.

Germany took his list of subjects away from view, figuring he would talk about them in the meeting so it wasn't important to show it to Russia.

That's when voices started ringing across the room.

Germany looked curiously over to see the room filling up with countries talking together. That's when he saw Canada and America and felt grateful. This awkward moment with Russia was over.

That's when America saw him. He seemed joyous for a second before a frown crossed hi face. He whispered something to Canada and Canada didn't seem to know the answer to whatever America had said. Now America was storming towards him with Canada reluctantly on his trail.

"Hi Americ-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as America started talking to Russia.

"What are you doing beside Germany? Move." He said in a stern voice.

"Why should I? I randomly picked a seat. It is not my fault you do not want me sitting here." Russland responded.

"Move." Ordered America.

"America maybe you could-" Canada tried but was quickly cut off.

"I do not want to start this meeting while already fighting, so I will get out of the way." Russia obeyed and moved a couple of seats over, going beside Ukraine. This action stunned Canada and America as he had never obeyed to America before. But America moved passed it quickly.

"Are you hurt? Did he declare war on you? Is he trying to invade you!?" America panicked.

"What? Of course not-" Germany was cut off as Russia started speaking.

"We will now start the meeting." Said his heavy accent.


A/N: I hope the first chapter was good 😊 . Btw the country humans do have magic, you'll find out more about it trough this book. Hope you stick around to the next chapter!

Have a nice day or night!

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