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Germany 3rd POV

Germany collapsed tiredly on his bed.

"Ughhhhhhh..." Germany moaned annoyed. That meeting had really drained him out. But hey at least a wing grooming session was in place.

He suddenly heard a curious whine. He lifted his head to see Pfanni looking worried. Germany gave her a tired smile and patted the place beside him. The dog jumped up and cuddled against her owner.

Germany sighed comfortably as he slowly fell into unconsciousness.

In the dream world...

Germany couldn't breathe.

He was trying to open his eyes but he simply... couldn't..? Why couldn't he? It was bright but it was getting really dark.

He felt wet.

Was he under water..? It felt like it. As Germany finally managed to open his eyes, he saw darkness.

He was in water. He tried to start swimming but his arms wouldn't respond to him. The small glow from the surface of the water disappeared as he sunk.

His legs tried to push but the pressure was to intense... but what pressure. He didn't have huge clothes on or something heavy attached to him. Something was definitely bringing him down.

What was doing this!?

He started coughing. Oh no...Water was starting to enter his lungs! He didn't want to drown. He didn't want to...die! Germany tried his best to get his arms moving but nothing.

'Come on, bitte!' (Please) He cried out, but it came out as a gurgle. He was drowning and he had to accept it, he had too..! So why couldn't he!? Germany was frustrated with himself.

But the last of space in his lungs was done. He had run out of air. Black spots danced around his visions, Germany desperately trying to hold on. But his efforts went to no avail.

He had drowned.



No. No. No.


Germany gasped.

He wasn't dead..? Germany passed a hand along his own face. He had control..?


He had control! But why was his breathing so uncomfortable and fast..? Why was he crying? It wasn't real so why? And why did those happy pills look so appealing?

Suddenly, everything hit him like a ton of bricks,

He had to call someone.

Italy? No, they shared a similar time zone and looking over to his clock he noticed it was 3 am so... no. Plus, Italy always makes food for his friends and it gets so much worse when he's worried for them. While Germany loved his best friend, he definitely did not want to find himself at 3 am getting stuff fed pizza, pasta and gelato...

America? Definitely not. His big brother would burst down his doors the moment he saw Germany phone ID, judging that America has memorized Germany time zone. Calling at 3am would not be smart.

He just wanted someone to hold him and tell him it was going to be okay.


He knew who he could called.

He quickly dialled the number, stressed.

One ring... Two rings... Three ring-

"Hello? Germany?"



Germany snuggled into his brother arms.

It was so peaceful.

"It was terrible Canada- it felt like I was drowning and- and I couldn't swim or come back up! When I woke up, it was bad! I mean the pills looked so appealing... and- when I talking to you on the phone I went into the bathroom and the razor-" Germany felt Canada tense immediately.

Germany realized what he had just said.

"Germany...Can I see your arms..?" Canada asked, flipping Germany in a position to look at him. Germany nodded, hesitantly. Its not like he relapsed anyways but this part always stressed him out, as if random cuts we're gonna just- appear on his arms.

Canada gently lifted his sleeves. Germany felt the bigger country immediately relax at the sight of nothing but the farthest of scars from when things got really bad.

He squished Germany more deeply. To add even more effect, Canada's wings had come out in a surge of protectiveness, gently wrapped around them both.

Canada's wings always amazed him. They we're a dark red and so so so pretty. They we're strong enough to carry not only Canada, but basically anything. They reflected Canada so greatly.

He breathed in the calmness that had stilled in the room. Suddenly Canada started moving.

Germany yelped as he was swiftly picked up and Canada started moving out of the bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Germany asked, confused.

"WE are going for a flight." Canada said, stepping into the living room.

"No." Germany said strictly, as if he had any right to pride, being carried like a toddler.

"C'mon Germany..! We haven't flown together in ages! I can feel how tense your back is and I know what thats from, I'm not an idiot or America." Canada argued. Germany sighed, but nodded slowly.

"Ahahahahah! My grand scheme worked! Anyways," Canada dropped him without warning.

This was a bad moment for Germany to realize Canada had been flying when he was was to busy looking at his brothers words to concentrate on anything else.

His wings shoot out as a reflex. He feels a rush of adrenaline spiking trough him. He beats his wings, trying to stop his fall. He succeeds and stops falling.

Germany sighs out of relief.

"See, best way of waking someone up." Germany turned to see Canada behind him. He looked way to proud.

"I can't believe you would try to murder me! I would expect that from Poland or Russia! Not you." Germany said dramatically.

"Well, you know, I figured I could give it a shot for once." Canada teased.

"This world is just so full of assholes." Germany faked complained.

"Mhm.. Race you downtown!" Canada yelled before taking off.




Pffft...me? Late? Never.

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!

Stick around for chapter 5 that is totally gonna come next week (Don't get any hopes up)

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