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Germany 3rd POV

The calmness that ran trough Germany when he was beside his 'brothers' was incredible. He basically always felt at ease with them. Meanwhile, you had other countries we're Germany would run away from out of pure fear. Russia was one of them.

See, Germany used to think he wasn't afraid of Russia, just a bit cautious but it didn't take a genius to realize that he wasn't just cautious. He was full on terrified, wanting to just bolt out of any room he was in with Russia. Germany wasn't the type of person to be scared like that of anyone and he's sure that he wasn't that scared originally!

It's more that Germany started actually noticing the cold ass stares that Russia would give him, the way he would look over Germany's paper as if looking for something. It- it freaked him out. It freaked him out real bad. While Germany wasn't one to believe America's non-sense, he was starting to believe that Russia was truly wanting to wage a war against him.

Now, this was unlikely but even if Russia didn't want to start a war, Russia was probably going to kill him- or at least wanted to. Look, Germany didn't want to believe Russia was the murder hobo that was ready to start a war on anyone that looked at him wrong like America described him and he still didn't believe any of that. He just wasn't sure if he had done something to Russia prompting this- well- everything.

The country sighed as he got out of the shower. This whole thing was weird.

Russia used to not care at all about him, even sometimes managing small talk. Small talk wasn't a big thing but when you could manage to have small talk with Russia instead of him either death staring you or the wall, it was a HUGE deal.

But now Russia just looked at him as if Germany told him that the USSR was actually the worst thing to ever happen to humanity- aka how he looked at America. Ok, that wasn't exactly fair. The way Russia looked at America was the way someone looked at a cockroach that was eating your meal. Meanwhile he looked at Germany kind of liked that but there was something else in his look.

Personally, Germany truly didn't know what it was...but there was definitely something in that stare other than pure irritation.

Germany stared at himself in the mirror, looking for any sign of something that could help him in this mystery. Unsurprisingly, it did not grant him help.

He got out of the bathroom, walking towards his closet. He quickly put on a contrast collar sweatshirt and a pair of slightly baggy jeans before heading out. Germany opened the door to immediately be tackled by a hyper German Shepard.

"AGH-" Germany let out as he fell to the ground. Pain coursed trough his body as he landed on his side. "Owwwwwwwwww." He whined.

"Pfanni! That hurt." The German said as he slowly got up. The German Shepard barked, running in a circle. The country suddenly noticed the leash in the animal's mouth. "Ohhhhh, you wanna go outside! That makes sense. Come on! Let's go for a walk."

The dog quickly ran to the door and Germany followed. He took the leash out of Pfanni's mouth, hooking it on the dog's collar.

"Glo?" Germany said while looking around for the other dog. He spotted the small dog laying on his bed. Glo lazily looked over at him. "You wanna go for a walk?" He asked. The dog just laid his head back down, signalling that no, he in fact did not want to go on a walk. Germany giggled at Glo, finding the lazy dog a bit comical.

"Ok, c'mon Pfanni! We're going!" The country said as he opened the door.

'Oops, I almost forgot.' Germany thought as he shifted into his human form. Normally he would be invisible for walks but since he couldn't make his dog invisible, it would be hard to explain a dog attached to nothing just walking around.

Wait, I didn't mean that!Where stories live. Discover now