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🔞Kinda smut, specifically masturbation, also second warning this is my first time writing NSFW so... uh- don't expect much.🔞

Russia 3rd POV

Russia sighed as he teleported back to his office. Even tho it was late he definitely couldn't just go back to the house like... this. His moment with Germany had given him... a- uh- situation.

Ok he had an erection.

But Russia was not gonna give in the satisfaction of reliving himself. He couldn't. A man being attracted to a man was not okay. It was disgusting. Sure it was legal but that doesn't mean it was okay.

Russia was happy that he got to teleport right in his office and didn't have to walk awkwardly in front of Moskau trying to avoid the city's heavy stared. He immediately sat down, his legs about to crumble.

Russia thought back to the situation. Maybe he had a hard on because of the woman? Ok that was a really lazy excuse.

He knew exactly what was going on.

The surge of jealousy he had felt when he had seen that woman all over Germany told a lot. He groaned at the thought of the the smaller country. It was getting unbearable. He looked over to his drawer were he kept his lube in case he ever had this issue.

'Screw it.'  Was all he thought as he before violently opening the drawer. He telepathically locked the door to make sure he wasn't interrupted.

Russia opened up his zipper to let out his dick. He sighed in relief at the feeling of it no longer being compressed by his pants. He quickly squeezed some lube in his hand. Russia let his hand travel to his dick, needing relief.

He moaned at the first touch.

'Thank god my office is sound proof.' Russia thought, a bit self consciously. 

He rubbed his hand up and down but it didn't feel like enough for it to come to an end. His mind started absentmindedly traveling to Germany. It started off pretty innocent, just memory's of the country playing in his mind. 

But then they got a bit more... creative.

He started imagining Germany in less than innocent positions. First fully clothes but those slowly started disappearing to. Than he himself started appearing in his images, him pining Germany against a wall or on a surface. 

Suddenly the thought of Germany tied up, naked and defenceless spread out on his bed flashed trough his mind (A/N don't worry, this isn't gonna turn into non-con or dub-con). Russia came quickly at the thought of that. 

Russia panted, tired from that. Slowly, Russia started to realize what he had done.

He wanted to throw up. Not only had he jerked off to a man but he had also came to a man. Guilt also came to mix with the feelings of disgust. Russia had just imagined Germany in ways he definitely shouldn't have and Russia felt like it was a massive intrusion. What didn't help all this, was that his body and mind we're begging to have the smaller country beside him to cuddle.

Russia sighed and looked at the mess he had made of his pants. He slowly grabbed wet wipes and cleaned himself up. 

'How could I do that to Germany...' Russia thought as he cleaned everything up. 'He shouldn't be the target of my weird messed up fantasies...'

Russia slowly got up and zipped his pants back up. He needed to go back home before his siblings would start worrying. Not like they would worry much about him, more like they started worrying about how drunk he was gonna be when he came home. 

Sadly, he was not drunk. He also wasn't planning to get drunk. 

Right now, he just needed to find his way back home and get a good night of sleep. God knows how long he had gone without one. Russia still needed to clear his mind quiet a bit, so he figured he would take a walk instead of teleporting to the house.


Russia could already hear the arguing from outside the house. He couldn't tell what it was about but he could most definitely hear yelling. Russia didn't want to face an angry Belarus but its not like he couldn't deal with it. 

He wasn't scared of any of his siblings. If anything, most of them we're terrified of him. The only reason he didn't want to face Belarus was because he was harbouring a head ache and really wanted to just splat down on his bed.

The door creaked loudly as he took a step in. 

He was greeted by the smell of... smoke.

'Fucking shit, what they did do?' He thought as he dropped his coat somewhere on the floor. 

Russia walked into the kitchen to see an angry Belarus, an equally angry Ukraine and a crying Kazakhstan. There argument was incoherent but he caught 'Idiot' 'Fire' and 'Russia' somewhere along it.

He ignored the arugment, heading for the stairs. The floor squeaked underneath his weight which brought the everyone's attention to him.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Ukraine was the first to ask.

"None of your business now is it?" Russia responded in Russian, to fuel the fire even more. It seemed to work as Ukraine's face contorted into lividness.

"Oh so you we're out drinking! GREAT! Just what we need in the fucking house!" Belarus yelled while rolling her eyes.

"Do I look, smell or am acting drunk? No I am fucking not, so leave me the fuck alone." Was all Russia said before heading up the stairs. He heard scoffs from downstairs before they went back to arguing. 

Russia rolled his eyes as he opened the door to his room. He sighed and dropped on his bed, not even bothering to take his clothes off.

He fell into dream world, dreaming of a certain country all throughout the night. 




I know its not that much but I am still very happy! Thank you everyone for the support on this!

Also sorry for the unprompted porn, I just figured it was a good and strong way to start Russia's 'In love' character arc. 

Anywho, have a great day, leave a comment or a vote (or both) and I hope you keep reading this story!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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