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Germany POV
As Russia was talking about some trades going on in the more northern countries, Germany looked over at the two countries beside him.

On his left was Canada and on his right was America. He smiled lightly as he thought about his good friendship with them and how they ended up like this.

He lightly looked around and saw that Russia was staring right at him with a very cold glare. He immediately looked away to not offend Russia. America suddenly turned to him.

"Are you sure your okay? I mean, in all seriousness did Russia hurt you?" America whispered, clearly uninterested in what Belarus was complaining about. Germany sighed quietly before speaking.

"And I'm in all seriousness telling you he didn't, is it that hard to believe?" Germany asked, quietly.

"But I don't get it, he should have known that he should not have done that." America said stubbornly.

"You mean...sitting down next to me..?" Germany questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"YES! Like how could he do that? I'm still not convinced your ok, are you sure you don't need therapy?" America asked. Germany was about to answer when he noticed something. Germany and America both noticed something about the meeting room.

It had gone quiet.

They looked around to see Britain looking disappointed and everyone else looking curiously.

"Hey, guyssssss..." America said, leaning on both his elbows.

"Why would Germany need therapy, America?" France asked, looking very annoyed at her son's antics.

"Because-" America started but got cut off by a hand slapping itself on top of his mouth. Germany panicked.

"Because my dad was a n*zi!"

Every country slowly turned around to look at the culprit of those words. Germany blushed from the sudden attention and dipped his head at the embarrassment of what he had just yelped.

Suddenly he felt light taps on his back.

"There there, we've all had tyrannical fathers. Mine tried to keep me from independence." America's voice revealed itself. He sounded very awkward.

Germany slowly raised his head to look at him. The pissed look he gave America didn't seem to affect the bigger country. Suddenly a noise attracted everyone's attention.

Canada coughed a bit and made sure he had everybody's attention before speaking.

"What they're trying to say is that...The UK is really cool and we should 100% get back on subject..? Please?" Canada offered. Germany looked back up, coughed a bit, and returned to his professional attitude.

"Um...yes... So I've been meaning to talk about maple syrup shipments with Canada..." And from then on the meeting went back on track.
After the meeting...

Germany was talking with Canada while packing up. They were having a conversation about which animal was the scariest.

"All I'm saying is that even tho hippos are herbivores, there horrifying. They could easily kill people if they wanted." Germany said.

"Absolutely. Same with moose's, they easily kill people." 


"Also Germany, America and I were wondering if you wanted to come for a grooming session on Sunday?" Canada whispered. Germany's eyes lit up.

"Absolutely! I'm guessing Ame is bringing the snacks?"

"Of course. I'll be bringing those special shampoo's. Pumpkin Spices for Ame and lavender for you." 

"Then I'll be bringing some beers." Germany said with a bright smile. He always loved grooming sessions and his wings were becoming a bit sore from being hidden for so long. Germany suddenly felt arms around him. He looked up, curious to who was behind this surprise hug. It wasn't surprising to see America face. He giggled slightly.

"Your so precious." America said lovingly while poking the smaller country's cheek.

"That's something we can agree on." Canada mumbled while ruffling Germany's hair. Germany let out a soft laugh.

"Anyways, just to make sure, its gonna be at your house like always?" Germany asked Canada while still in a tight embrace.

"Yup. Now Ame and I have got to go. We have family hang out time today and I have to talk Ame into apologizing to dad for what he said earlier."

"I am not apologizing to that old man for saying the truth." He responded stubbornly while letting go of Germany. They both started to walk away while waving goodbye.

Germany let out a quiet laugh again and turned back to what he was doing. He lightly looked around. The room was pretty much empty except for Japan, China, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. 

'I should go apologize to Russia for Ame's behavior since I know he won't.' Germany thought as he grabbed the last of his papers. He noticed Russia was talking to Belarus so he figured he would wait until they stopped. Belarus then gave a wave to Russia and left the room. Germany started approaching Russia who was now looking at papers spread out on the table.

"Excuse me, Russia?" Russia turned around violently, giving a cold glare to Germany. Even tho Russia didn't outright scare Germany, that made him take a cautious step back. Suddenly Russia's glare softened and that made Germany almost sigh of relief.

"Yes, Germany?" 

"I just wanted to apologize for Ame's behavior. I know you guys fight all the time but it was unfair for him to yell at you for randomly sitting beside me." Germany said seriously. He saw surprise in Russia's face for a split second before it went back to his normal pissed off face.

"I'm used to it. As you said, we fight all the times. But I suppose I should thank you for taking the time to apologize to me, so I thank you." Germany gave a slight smile at that.

"Well, I'll be off, goodbye Russland." He said while giving a slight wave and a small smile.

"Goodbye Germania."

Germany gave one last smile before heading out of the room.

'Well, that was one interesting meeting.'


FINALLY! I'm so sorry it took this long (again). But I deeply hope you guys liked this chapter. Feel free to leave any suggestions (:

I'll (try to) post next week so see you!

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