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Russia's POV
Russia had just woken up to very loud yelling. He slapped his forehead to make himself a bit more conscious and simultaneously groaned out of pure annoyance. He was very annoyed for three reasons.

First, the very loud disruptances that made him wake up,

two, the fact that he just had a very sleepless night,

and three, the reason behind that sleepless night.

He had just spent his entire evening thinking about seeing Germany today and that made him confused. Annoyed but confused. Why did he care so much about seeing the small country again, Russia thought while getting out of bed to go get ready for the meeting.

Was it because he needed something from Germany? No...Russia didn't need any materials from Germany that he wasn't already getting as long as he was concerned. Was it because Germany was late for a payment? Not that either, Germany kept very up to date with all payments. Did Germany threaten Russia in anyway? That last thought made Russia chuckle a bit.

'Germany threatening me? No way' Russia thought to himself as he got out of the shower. Germany was an... interesting country. He was what Russia considered one of the better countries, as they were less annoying to him. Germany obviously wasn't really scared but clearly took his precautions to not get on his bad side.

As Russia put his plain black long sleeve on he thought over any other possibilities. Maybe he wanted to talk about a new policy that included Germany in it? Maybe...But he definitely couldn't remember.

He decided to go eat for the moment and took his first steps downstairs. He was immediately greeted by a mitten hitting the wall beside him. He looked over to where it was thrown and saw Belarus in an argument with Kyrgyzstan. They seemed to be arguing about something to do with early awakening. Russia rolled his blue eyes and went straight passed them to the fridge. He opened it and saw that there wasn't a lot of food left so he made a mental note to get groceries later.

He took a bottle of Vodka from the fridge and some bread. He buttered two toast, poured himself some 'To go' Vodka and stepped over the body of Kyrgyzstan laid out on the floor. A sudden stick hit his vodka bottle and it poured all over the floor. He gave his siblings a cold stare.

They all just pointed at each other so Russia gave an eye roll.

''I don't care who cleans this up, as long as it cleaned up before I get home today.'' Said Russia in an threatening way. He put his Ushanka on his head, grabbed his coat and left the house.

'Maybe Germany won't come today, it would save me the trouble of remembering whatever this mystery thing is.'

Russia let out a sigh, and continued on his merry way.

Back to the present...

Russia rolled his eyes as America went on about shipments of oil that were getting pumped in his country. Russia's eyes wandered to Germany. When Germany accidentally walked in his office it made Russia feel...things in ways he couldn't describe to just see the smaller country.

He also had a strong urge to sit beside Germany and even was ready to punch America in the face, but ultimately he decided it was best to not start a physical match with America in a room full of countries.  It made him feel annoyed at himself for not knowing what he was feeling.

Russia thought back to the last meeting they had. He just couldn't stop staring at Germany. He kinda wanted to punch Germany for this but figured that this wasn't Germany's direct fault.

And then again, Russia let out a quite and frustrated sigh.

'Stupid fucking Germany...' Russia thought as he looked away from the tiny country.


I hoped you liked this chapter!

Sorry for it being short, I wasn't sure what to write for Russia's POV. This story is probably going to be a bit more Germany POV centered but it might change depending on my inspiration. Right now I just have more idea for Germany. Welp, come back in a week!

Feel free to comment any ideas or suggestions (:


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