*Casey's POV*
I awoke to Taylor's extremely loud phone alarm going off. I reached over him and grabbed it and hit snooze, 5am! The tour was moving to New Jersey today and we had to catch a flight there.
"Babe wake up" I said shaking him lightly.
"What" he said as he sat up.
"We gotta get to the airport" I said and rubbed his back.
"Ugh" he groaned and rested his head on my shoulder.
"I know we can sleep on the plane" I said and kissed his nose. I then got up with Taylor trailing behind me, let's just say he's not a morning person. I threw on my favorite PINK sweatpants with one of Taylor's sweatshirts. I didn't even bother to do any makeup since we are just going to be sleeping. I then finished up packing my suitcase.
"Tay lets go" I said and he put his sweatshirt on. He then grabbed all out luggage and I grabbed my purse and we headed down to the lobby.
"Hey girl" said Teala as I entered the lobby.
"Aye mama" I winked but then soon after we both started hysterically laughing.
"What did I miss?" Asked a familiar voice, Sydney.
"Nothing much" I said with a giggle and she rolled her eyes. After about 10 minutes of just talking and making vines the limo finally arrived.
"Alright kids lets go, get in the limo" Bart announced and we all got in. I sat between Matt and Taylor.
"Mornin sunshine" Matt smiled and I kissed his cheek.
"Mornin cutie" I said trying to mock his but ended up laughing. Taylor was legit laying on top of my asleep. Matt looked at him and laughed and I just rolled my eyes. I watched as Taylor slept, so peacefully, his small snores and the way he loved to snuggle up to you.i decided to pull out my phone and take a picture for Twitter.
@caseylockwood get off me!!! jk jk lovin the company fam💯💘😏 @taylorcaniff #tayusleepy
I giggled at my caption then tweeted it. I then got comfy with Taylor and fell asleep while playing with his hair.AFTER THE FLIGHT
"Ma'am you and your boyfriend need to get out of the plane"
I woke up to a middle age women with dark brown hair to about her shoulders telling us to get off.
"Tay get up" I said shaking him and he obeyed. We then grabbed our luggage and joined the group.SKIP TO HOTEL
"Ok everyone" started Bart
"Get a goodnights sleep because tomorrow we will be at Iplay America" he announced and everyone cheered. "Now shoo" he said and swatted us away. We all grabbed our luggage and went to our rooms. Luckily this time it was two people per room and I was sharing with Taylor. We settled into our room and were laying on the bed watching Frozen when there was a knock on the door. I sighed and got up to answer the door to see, Bart?
"Yeah I just forgot to tell you guys.. NO SEX ALLOWED!" He said the last part really loud and I rolled my eyes. #thanksbart? I agreed and closed the door and went back to lay with Taylor who was dying laughing.
"He's so weird" laughed Taylor and I giggled a bit.
"I love u so much" said Taylor as he kissed my nose, then cheek, then lips.
"I love u too baby" I said and with that I fell asleep in the arms of my love.{a/n ayeeeee lil mama's 😂 don't mind me fam but I'm back!!!!! I deleted my other story because I really don't want to start another one until I complete this one cause you know hahha well I'd forget to update and blah blah blah. Enjoy babes and sTay WeIrD💯🌀😜}

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)
Fanfictionused to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about him. read my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*