(A/N its late so sorry for any grammar problems 😌)
2 days later
*Casey's POV*
It's been 2 days since I've hung out with Matt. Just in case your wondering I got a vanilla bean frap and he got a raspberry iced tea when we went to starbucks lol random. Anyways I am currently laying in my bed being lazy. *ding* "ugh who is texting me" I thought. Did I forget to mention I am a little grumpy, let's just say it's my time of the month. I grabbed my phone off of my night stand and slid the screen. I saw that Tay TXTED me.
T- babe can I come over. We gotta talk.
Oh no that kinda worried me.
C- yea of course.
I responded and set my phone down. After about two minutes or so I hear a knock at the door. I pull myself out of bed and throw on my glasses and head downstairs. "Hey tay" I say as I open the door. (A/N that rhymed 😂 carry on!) "hey". "What's up?" I asked and he looked me in the eyes. "Case will you come to Magcon with me?" He asked and I smiled. "Of couse tay"I said and he smiled. "Also Matt already invited me" I said and he looked at me confused. "But your going with me, right?" He asked and I laughed a little. "Tay your my boyfriend and I love u and only U" I said and he smiled. "I love u and only U too Case" he said and kissed me. "So when do we leave for MAGCON?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen to get some almond milk. "Two days" he answered and followed me. "Coco leaves for collage in 3 days and I rrly wanted to bring her" I said and pouted a little. "Case our tour is literally five minutes from Harvard we should SUPRISE her when we are there!" Said Tay and I nodded. "Ok now leave I have to get ready" I said and pushed Tay out of the house. "Someone's grumpy" I heard Tay say and then he walked to his car. I took a sip of my almond milk and decided to text Bianca, Christina, and Julie.
Group chat
C1- Casey
C2- Christina
B- Bianca
J- JulieC1- hey what are my bff's up to?
B- nm wanna hang?
C1- yeet
C2- yea mall?
J- yass bishes
C1- I'm going on tour w tay so I need new cute outfits.
C2- omfg what? When? Yas
J- yuppp we r getting U life supply of cute outfits! Especially bra's 😏..
C1- Jules OMGGGG nooo😂😂😂😭 brb dying
B- lol my bishes R cray. What time R we going?
C1- 2?
J/C2/B- yas c YA then!!
End of convo.I then put my phone down and finished my almond milk. When I was done I hurried upstairs and got ready to go to the mall. I put on a pair of leggings with one of Taylor's sweatshirts that I stole from him. Lol typical girlfriend. I looked at my phone and it was 1:45. I decided to leave a little early so I could stop at Starbucks before. I then got into my car and headed off to starbucks.
(A/N things R getting real in the next chapters😂! Btw girlfriends of the guys will b in the Magcon chapters FYI! Enjoy!)

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)
Fanfictionused to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about him. read my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*