***2 Month's Later***
**Casey's POV**
Ok it's been 2 months since I've became friends with everyone again. Also me and Taylor are still together. Right now I'm sitting at the counter in my kitchen waiting for the toast to be finished. I'm just sitting thee scrolling through tumblr when Coco comes running into the kitchen. "CASE CASE GUESS WHATTTT!" She yelled in my ear. "What?" I asked kinda annoyed. "I GOT ACCEPTED TO HARVARD!" She yelled again and this time I just smiled. "OMIGOD Coco that's amazing!" I exclaimed and hugged her tight. "What's going on in here?" Asked my parents as they walked into the kitchen. "I got accepted to HARVARD!" She said calmly until the last part. "Ahh my baby girl off to Harvard!" My mom said and we all laughed. DING! YASS my toast is done! I quickly hurried over to the toaster and pulled out my pieces of toast. I put the toast on a plate and got the butter and spread it on. Just as I was about to take a bite there was a knock at the door. "Casey honey can you get that we are busy looking at the letter from Harvard" called my mom from the living room and I just got up and answered the door. When I opened it I saw Taylor with a smile on his face. "Hey baby" he said and kissed my cheek. "Hey cutie come in I just made toast" I said and his eyes lit up as he stepped inside. "Hi Mr and Mrs Lockwood" he said as we passed the living room. "Hi". "Tay Coco got accepted to Harvard!" I smiled and he looked amazed. "Dang GURL get it!" He yelled and gave Coco a hug. "Thanks Tay" she laughed and we walked into the kitchen. "Where's the food at?" Asked Taylor and I pointed towards the counter. "YASSS!" He yelled and ran towards it. "Not too much it's min!" I screamed chasing him.
After we finished our toast I looked at the time and it was 7:35. "Tay school starts in 10 minutes c'mon" I said and dragged him out the door. We walked out my house and into his white jeep and drove off to school. The drive to school consisted mostly of laughing and singing, adorable right. When we got to school we went off to first period. After that I said goodbye to Taylor until lunch. "Ughhh geometry!" I thought and trudged down the hallway.HEYY guys! Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've been busy with school and dance. I hope to be posting more doe. How do y'all like ma story? Read ✌️

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)
Fanfictionused to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about him. read my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*