When we got into first period we were some of the last people to show up. "Ahh Mr. Caniff and Miss Lockwood glad you could join us" said the teacher sarcastically and we just apologized and sat down. I totally forgot where I sat and when I did my grin turned into a frown. I sat as far away from Carter as possible. All class he surprisingly didn't bother me. Weird? After class I grabbed my books and Taylor came over to my desk so he could walk me to my next class, gym. This class I have with Matt. Just the thought of him make me tense up. "Case your ok" said Taylor and put his arm around me. He rubbed circles on my back and we walked out of the classroom. When we got to the girls locker room I gave Taylor a quick peck on the cheek and then he walked away to biology. As he walked away I just smiled. You know by the way he acts and his popularity you wouldn't think he was really smart or into school. Surprisingly he is! He's had all high honor roll and really loves math and science. (A/N Idk what his grades are and idk if he likes math and science). When I walked into the girls locker room I got rude comments from mostly everyone. I just sighed and walked to the corner, where I usually get changed, and silently slipped on my gym uniform. "Eww your so fat" yelled Bianca and everyone started laughing. That's it. I'm done with this. I have to say something. "Well at least I don't cut my gym clothes to look like my undergarments!" I yelled back and she just looked at me. Without any warning she just ran up to me and punched me in the jaw. Then she kicked me in the stomach. Then pulled my hair. I wasn't much of a fighter so I just took it. "If you ever try and talk to me like that again you will be sorry" she whispered in my ear and her and her crew left. I quickly fixed my ponytail and hurried to the gym. "Miss Lockwood why are you late again, is there a problem or something?" Asked our gym teacher as I walked in. I looked over at Bianca who was all over Matt and she gave me the "you better shut up" look and so I just gave in. "No, sorry sir" I said and hung my head low. For the rest of the class a bunch of people just gave me dirty looks and stuff like that. When gym was finally over I ran to the locker room, got on my clothes, and went to get my lunch.
After I got my lunch box and packed up my books I hurried to Taylor's locker. "Hey Tay" I said as I walked up to him at his locker. "Hey pumpkin". "Pumpkin?" I asked and giggled a little. "Yeah you know since it's fall I thought I should call you pumpkin" he said and I started hysterically laughing. People were just staring at me and giving me dirty looks. Just the the "Bianca" squad came walking towards us.. great. "Ewww what's so funny? YOUR FACE?" Shouted Bianca and her whole crowd laughed. "Shut up" I mumbled. "Excuse me?" She asked totally surprised. "She said shut up" blurted out Taylor and I looked at him. "Stay away from Taylor, he's mine!" Said Christina and winked at Taylor. "No I'm not I'm hers." Said Taylor and wrapped his arms around me. "Slut" whispered Bianca and before she left kicked me in the stomach with her combat boots. Not gonna lie that did hurt. I winced a little then fell to the ground in pain. Taylor then picked me up and brought me outside and set me down on the grass. He then lifted my shirt a little so he could see where she kicked me. "Is it bad?" I asked and he looked at me. "Kinda there is a big bruise" he said and I sat up and looked. "Dang she kicks hard!" I exclaimed and we both started laughing. "Case I don't get it?" "Get what?" I asked looking at him confused. "How can you take such a bad situation and make something so positive out of it?" He asked looking straight into my eyes. "Jesus" I said. We just sat there for a second looking at each other. "Case wanna know why I stopped bullying you?" He asked and I nodded. "Because I went to church and it really changed me" he explained and I was so happy. Not just happy that he stopped bullying me, but happy that we'd have a nice Christian relationship. "Cmon babe were missing lunch" yelled Taylor like a little kid and started running towards the school. "Wait I have to go slow Tay" I yelled after him and he turned around and came back. "Sorry I forgot" he said and grabbed my hand. "It's ok, it was quite amusing watching you run around like a little kid" I laughed and so did he. When we got back into the school I started to head towards the girls bathroom. "Case the lunchroom is that way" said Taylor and pointed in the opposite direction. "Oh I don't eat in the lunch room" I said and Taylor's eyes widened. "Why not?" He asked looking at me. "Because no one lets me sit with them.." I explain and I can see the guilt in his eyes. "So where do you eat?" He asked. "Usually the bathroom, but a lot of people call me fat so I don't really eat" I said and he looked me right in the eye. "Your perfect" is all he said , but is all I ever wanted to hear. I blushed. "Cmon lets go eat outside" said Taylor and held out his hand. I grabbed it and we skipped out side laughing and holding hands. (A/N Awhhh #relationshipgoals 😂❤️😍)

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)
Fanfictionused to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about him. read my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*