**Taylor's POV**
When I got to the locker room and opened the door I saw something that broke my heart, Casey and Carter kissing. "WHAT THE-" I yelled and they both looked up at me. "Tay it's not what it looks like!" She shouted but I was so mad I didn't want to hear it. "YOU KNOW WHAT CASEY MATT WAS RIGHT YOU ARE A CHEATER!" I yelled at her and then looked at Carter who was now off of Casey and sitting on the floor. "AND YOU CARTER ARE ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled and then ran out of the locker room. I ran into the lunch room and found Matt and the guys. I ran over and sat down at the table. "Matt you were right about Casey, I should've listen to you bro" I said and he smiled. "It cool dude I just didn't want you getting hurt that's all" said Matt and continue eating his lunch. I wasn't really hungry, mostly because of what just happened. I just asked her out this morning and she already cheated on me with one of my best friends,
**Casey's POV**
I was still in the locker room just laying on the floor hysterically crying. I then sat up and saw Carter sitting there crying too. "How could you," I whispered to him causing him to look at me. "He was the only person I had" I said again and saw Carter cry a little more. "I-It was Matt" he finally said and the thought of that just bursted my heart into a million pieces. "He set me up didn't he" I cried and then just got up and ran to the bathroom. In the bathroom I cleaned myself up, and redid my makeup. I then got my lunch from my locker and walked into the lunch room avoiding eye contact with everyone. I could hear people whispering stuff about me and laughing. I looked around for Julie and soon found her at a table. "Can I sit?" I asked and everyone looked up at me. "Um-no" Julie said and turned away. I then sighed and turned around to see Taylor staring at me. I also saw all the other boys looking at me too. "RE-JE-C-T-E-D REJECTED" shouted Matt and everyone went crazy in laughter. By now Carter was back at his table and he was laughing like crazy. I could feel tears fill my eyes and I quickly ran out of the lunch room. I ran to my usual eating spot, the bathroom. When I got in there I locked myself in a stall and pulled out my lunch, a sandwich, an apple, and a water bottle. I didn't really eat that much, mostly because a lot of people called me fat. My parents always told me they were lies, but I guess after hearing it from multiple people everyday lies become realities. Then I started to think of Taylor. He was the only person in the whole school who made me feel special. He made me actually feel beautiful. We really had only been close for a morning, but It felt like a lifetime. I then continued to eat my lunch, alone in the stall.
After lunch I slowly walked back to my locker to get my books. When I got there I saw Taylor and that Christina girl talking. "Eww watch out" I heard Christina whisper and Taylor turned around to face me. I could see the pain in his eyes and I felt so bad. I don't know why though I didn't even kiss Carter, he literally kidnapped me. I just sighed and got my books and headed off to my afternoon classes. "This is gonna be fun" I thought and kept on walking.
********SKIP AFTERNOON**********
I quickly hustled out of my class and to my locker. I packed up my backpack and scurried out of the school. I was trying not get away before the guys got me, but that was a fail. "Well well look what we got hear" announced Matt which caused me to flinch and turn around. When I turned around I saw all 9 of the guys standing there looking straight at me. "Guys, get her" shouted Matt and Nash and Cameron came walking towards me. They then picked me up and started heading towards the ally. "PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled. "SHUT UP!" They yelled back and I suddenly became silent. When they got to the ally behind the school they dropped me on the hard ground and started beating me. I soon became very weak and looked up to see Taylor, crying. All of the sudden Taylor picked me up and started running. "HEY GET BACK HERE!" Yelled Matt as Taylor ran away, but he didn't listen. He ran until he reached his jeep, unlocked the door, put me in the passenger seat, and drove away. When we drove which felt like forever we finally made it to his house. He pulled into the empty driveway and then stopped the car. He then picked my up and got out of the car and walked towards the house. When he got into the house he hurried up the stairs and into his bedroom. He then laid me on his bed and went into the bathroom to get a first aid kit. "Taylor" I said in my shaky voice. "Yes" "I-I didn't kiss Carter" I stuttered and he looked at me with a confused look. "I was walking to my locker and he tackled me into the locker room" I explained and the anger in Taylor's eyes lessened. "Then-then why'd you smile in the kiss?" Asked Taylor with a serious face. "because I thought of you." I said and the looked down at my hands. "I love you" said Taylor and I looked up at him. "I love you too" I said and smiled at him. "So are we back together?" Asked Taylor. "Idk are we?" I asked and he chuckled. "YASS!" He shouted and I started hysterically laughing. "Alright let's get you cleaned up" he said and started cleaning my cuts.
"Ow Tay it burns" I whimpered as he put the cleaner on my scrapes. "I know baby hold my hand" he said and held out his hand. I quickly grabbed it and every time it'd sting I'd squeeze his hand. When all my cuts were cleaned we put band-aids on them. "Tay why do you have hello kitty band-aids?" I asked laughing. "They are my little sisters" he replied and laughed too. "Well put them on my boo boos" I pouted and Taylor just laughed and did what I asked.
"What time is it?" I asked Taylor. "Um 8:30" he replied. "Ok I have to leave at 10" I said and looked at Taylor who was sitting next to me. "Imma get my extra gym clothes on" I announced then hopped out of bed, grabbed my bag, and hustled into the bathroom. My extra gym clothes were lifeguard sweatpants, and a Abercrombie t-shirt. When I was all ready I walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom and saw him laying on the bed in sweatpants and a tank top. "ZAYUMMMM" he shouted when I walked in and I just rolled my eyes and hooked into bed. "Ok what movies do u wanna watch?"he asked and I started to think. "How bout the internship?" I asked and Tay nodded. When the movie started I cuddled into Taylor and he pulled me close to him. He was playing with my hair and every now and then I would catch him staring at me. After a little bit my eyes started growing heavy and soon sleep took over my body.

Him (Matthew Espinosa & Taylor Caniff)
Fanfictionused to be called but you said you love me but I realized this book is about him. read my story about a group of guys from the internet. *mild language*