Written for NaNoWriMo

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This book will be written for National Novel Writing Month 2022. That means that during November, I'll be varying slightly from my usual routine.

* I will start writing this book at midnight on Nov 1st, as soon as the month begins, and attempt to post the first chapter before I sleep

* I will not edit this book during November; it will be posted in first-draft state

* As per NaNoWriMo convention, I will aim to add at least 1667 words every day

* I will attempt to release one chapter each day, in addition to my ongoing stories

* I will be travelling around the UK trying to meet up with other authors, so we can sit in coffee shops and write together. If you'd like to chat and write, please let me know what town you're in (and where your local NaNoWriMo group meets up, if possible)

*  Everyone who is a member of my Patreon (patreon.com/kittyangel) at the start of November will have access to the story on Google Docs, so you can see the words appear as I write them and make comments in the margin. Normally this is a $5+ perk, but I make an exception for people who are here in November.

* If you can help me by pointing out typos or keeping character descriptions in my wiki up to date, I might also give you access to the story on Google Docs

* If you want to know more about NaNoWriMo, check out www.nanowrimo.org

* I haven't got a full plan for this story written; just what is in my Plot Babies book of ideas. So if there's anything you would like to see happen, please comment. For this story, any headcanon which seems to be popular in the comments may be incorporated into the story

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