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This chapter is dedicated to Santoro, with many thanks again for all of your support.

¿Did you make it?

I was running. It was hard to believe I needed to go so bad. It wasn't until I closed the kitchen door behind me that I realised what I had just said. And I couldn't even blame it on the hypnosis this time, because none of the suggestions that would have infantilised my language were currently in effect. I'd just gotten so used to acting like a little kid when I was alone, talking quietly to my teddies, and apparently just wearing a diaper had been enough to put me back in that state of mind and bring back a bad habit.

I did my best to keep running until I got to the toilet, but it was getting harder. I needed to go so bad, I needed to press my legs together to hold it. And I was fighting against every instinct. It felt like each step I took was making the pressure inside me increase, and it was a real struggle to hold it until I got there. I locked the door behind me, and found that even that was difficult. I was bobbing up and down, dancing from one foot to the other while I struggled to keep from peeing, and that made everything harder. I managed to turn the handle, and then turned around to put the seat down. Every movement felt like I was going to lose control, but I was determined this time. I was a big girl now, and I was sure I could make it.

I called up the Potty Genius app on my phone, and went to the bathroom report screen. I would need to tell it that I was in the bathroom before I could pee, and I knew that the little animations as it went to the next menu would be an uncomfortable delay. So it would be easier to take my diaper off while the animation was playing. But it was so hard to press the right button while my legs were still bobbing me back and forth. I needed to go so badly that I just couldn't help it. And when I finally got the app onto the right screen and started groping for the end of the diaper tapes, it had just taken me too long. I felt a spurt of pee escape, and then another. After all my efforts, I had wet myself.

It wasn't much; I only peed a little. But it was still an accident, and I knew I had to report it. I went back to the app's main menu and tapped the 'accident' button. Maybe after completing the report, it would let me use the toilet properly. And change my diaper, I guessed, although it would be an expensive day if I was changing every couple of hours.


I sighed in relief as I was finally able to relieve the rest of that pressure. And then as I tapped the buttons to complete the report in the app, I realised what had happened. Of course, if I reported an accident when my bladder wasn't completely empty, it soon would be. Well, it meant that I wouldn't need to use the toilet now; I could just go to my room and get changed. I guessed that was slightly more convenient, although not in any way that really made a difference. I finished telling the app that I had wet my diaper, and it gave me the usual reassurances that I might be able to do better next time. It made me blush, but I could feel a little better knowing that I was close to the end of my ordeal. A handful more hours and I would have graduated from the app, and be able to be a big girl whenever I wanted.

¿Did your parents notice?

I didn't give them a chance to see. I went straight upstairs, and went to my own room to change my diaper. I called out to Dad as I went past, telling them that I needed to finish packing my bag and go out today. They wouldn't know what my plans for the day were, and they probably wouldn't ask; they would be happy to accept that there was something dragging me away from home today. Maybe they would think that I'd glanced at my phone while I was peeing and seen that it was later than I had thought; that would explain my not saying anything earlier.

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