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This bonus chapter is dedicated to NEP, my latest new supporter on Patreon. Thank you!

¿Did you mess your diaper?

I did my best to avoid it. I rushed through breakfast, and then went to the bathroom right away; that should have been about when the timer started. I played some more Shadow Covenant Go!, slowly getting used to controlling the life support systems of a giant spaceship, while trying to understand the fragmentary pieces of information about some kind of empire trying to conquer the galaxy. It was kind of a weird game to be honest; the stuff about the empire and the war was in there, but kind of mentioned in passing, and the people you started to care about were squad captains and low level generals, who had their own private stories aside from just serving their country. It was kind of like a character drama rather than a war story, but it managed to get me invested in keeping these soldiers alive.

I played two levels, before I was distracted by a notification from the FanLibrary app. Apparently one of the stories that I had been reading the other day had been updated, and although I didn't think I was interested enough in that one to read further, another cover image caught my eye as soon as I had the app open. I'd read just the first chapter of this new story, and was finding it quite interesting, when the spiral popped up again to force me out of the bathroom. I pulled my diaper up, washed my hands, and left the bathroom.

There was no reason I couldn't have kept on reading that story on the tablet as I sat at my desk. Or I could even have gone right back into the bathroom, I guess, although somehow that thought never occurred to me at the time. So I went to my desk and opened up the FanLibrary site on my laptop, and the different layout of the screen on the website allowed me to immediately notice that six people had read my first attempt at a story. It seemed to have some kind of ratings, as well. I didn't really understand the system yet, but it looked like it was now starting to learn which stories were similar to mine, based on what was more popular with the people who'd given my work a better rating. There were a couple of similar stories listed as well; including one that had the STP dinosaurs transplanted into the world of That Boy. I couldn't even imagine that, but after ten minutes of reading, I found that I was laughing at every other line. This was an author who had taken a deliberately silly concept and then played it for laughs. I wondered if I might do better if I attempted the same; it was certainly an idea that worked.

I started writing again, and as soon as I started putting words on the page, I couldn't stop. I got carried away and there was nothing else on my mind but how this story was going to go. I changed the title as well, thinking I should probably try to find something that would grab people's attention better. In the end I picked The Prefect and the Pop Idol, which really seemed like it would take off. I posted a second chapter, and immediately started working on the third while the ideas just kept coming.

Five minutes later my phone made a sound, and I automatically tensed up. But when I looked at the screen, I saw that it was just a notification from FanLibrary. Somebody had followed me; so I guessed that someone had actually liked my work; although when I looked at the guy's profile, I saw that just about all of his favourite stories were ones that put Josie in some kind of compromising situation. Maybe he'd be disappointed when he found that I wasn't just going to put her in kinky situations. Still, it was good to be seen, and I gave a little smile before I returned to my writing.

The next notification was a comment from someone who promised to share my story if I shared theirs; I wasn't sure how to respond to that, so I put it off until later. The next one was another follower, but this time the person's profile was full of pictures of their cats, and they had a favourites list that seemed to be an almost random selection of anything and everything, from Bibi Babi Miko smut to Rise of Enginehead alternate universe stories.

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