Hitoshi's Dream

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All he felt was cold and numb.

       He could feel the hard, cage floor that was practically made out of ice and the drops of rusty water falling on his cheek. Hitoshi opened his eyes but kept his ears folded tight to muffle out the screams and cries of other hybrids and the crowd's cheer from the arena not that far away. It didn't cancel sound completely, but it was better than nothing though it took a lot of concentration since it wasn't an instinct reaction.

      He sat up, looking straight ahead, he met the eyes of another hybrid across from him in a different cage. He felt sick when he saw the haunted look on their pale, thin face. The look of loss and being lost, Hitoshi was familiar with that feeling. He looked to his left and right, all he could see was cage bars and occasional bodies that looked to be dead. But the boy knew better, they weren't dead, yet. But that made him feel worse, he would rather prefer death than live here any longer.

      Hitoshi flinched when the doors to his left opened with a long and loud squeak that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. He cowered down and watched as a large burly man walked in with a small hybrid in his grip. A few hybrids around him growled and snarled, partly because they hated the man, and partly because if the way he held the poor kid. The man was holding the up in the air by the hair near it's neck, almost scruffing him. Hitoshi felt his blood boil when he heard the kid yelp when their "master" threw them in.

      "They're just a pup! Don't hurt them!" Hitoshi kept his gaze down as the older man walked by as to not draw attention to himself. When he left, all the hybrids around him chirped and cooed at the young one to comfort it. It chirped back and curled up in an attempt to sleep.

       He watched the little one take in deep breaths and saw it's ribs sticking out with each breath. He also saw the multiple scratches and bruises on its body. If it was the master that did this, he would be livid. If it was a fellow hybrid, however, he could feel no true anger towards them. It was a Ring, they were there to fight, to be showed off, to be sold. They were forced to do this, it wasn't their fault.

      "Look at the poor thing, so small, so innocent to how cruel this world can truly be." Hitoshi's inner mind connected to his soul animal nagged.

      "I see them." He tiredly confirmed, staring the kid a little longer before looking away sadly.

      "That will be you one day. Not the kid, no, no, YOU will hurt little pups like that. You'll become the monster you were always known to be in their eyes."

      "W-what? No I won't! I would never!"

      "You say that now but wait until they take you to kill them for all the crowd to see! All the other hybrids break, even the older ones."

      "I won't! I'm strong enough!"

      "We'll see about that. Just wait, and we'll see." Hitoshi then started to get dizzy, his head pounded and he squeezed his eyes shut as he held his head. Then, there was a loud roar right in his ears, and he suddenly felt hot and sweaty. He opened his eyes and looked up to see huge crowds of people yelling and screaming in chants.

'Kill It! Kill It! Kill It!'

      "Kill... what?" Hitoshi looked down and felt bile rise up his throat. There right in front of him was the same child that he saw being brought in, only they looked a lot worse. They lay shaking and sobbing on the dirt floor and covered their face and neck as a futile attempt to protect themself.  Their thin clothes were ripped to shreds and blood drenched them. The kids eye was swollen shut and a large cut was bleeding heavily on its forehead.
      They looked weak, and so tired, so afraid.

To Gain Trust From a Stranger Hybrid AU BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now