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Eiram's nose twitched when the delicious aroma of bacon and pancakes filtered in the living room. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times to make them adjust to the harsh brightness from the morning sun that came in from her living room window.

'What time is it?' She thought as she rubbed the sleep off her eyes and face.

While she was slowly awakening, she began to hear someone bustling around in her kitchen, as well as the sound of sizzling and popping on the stove.

Eiram quickly but quietly got up, tiptoeing slowly towards the kitchen doorway, prepared to meet any intruder that was in her home. Only to be met with the sight of Leah, in Eiram's cat themed apron, standing near the stove, flipping the bacon over quickly so she wouldn't get splattered with the hot grease.

The half awake redhead sighed in relief, having completely forgotten that her friend had stayed overnight.
Leah turned, her blue eyes sparkled when she saw her smaller companion was awake, even though she still looked like she hadn't slept in weeks.

"Good morning sunshine!" She greeted cheerily, a big smile formed on her face.

"Is it?" Eiram grumbled, a scowl forming on her face, due to the unwelcome energy that came from the blonde at such an early hour.

"How did you sleep?" Leah questioned, ignoring her friends distasteful grumbling, expecting that reaction.

"I should be asking you that." The other stated blandly,
"It was fine, I guess."

"Great, I'm glad to hear that." The taller girl said in a quieter voice, making sure not to annoy her friend too much. She turned her attention back to Eiram.

"Why don't you go freshen up and then come down to eat?" She suggested, jutting her chin to the hallway leading to her bedroom.

Eiram turned slowly towards the hallway, dragging her feet across the floor lazily.

"Yeah, sounds good." She yawned, as she slowly disappeared in her large bedroom, the door clicking shut behind her.

Once Eiram was finished changing and getting ready for the day, she quickly walked over to the dining room, so as not to keep the other individual waiting.
She was met once again with the rich smell of bacon, and the sweet fluffy smell of pancakes. Leah patiently seated across from her seat.

"I hope I didn't take too long." Eiram said as she sat down in her chair, her one grey eye that could be seen from her curtain of bangs peeked up at the blonde, almost nervously.

Leah's smile faltered a bit before she could hide it.
She had only seen her grumpy friend act like this a handful of times, and she wished she knew why she would get this way.
But seeing as this was an uncomfortable topic to discuss, she chose to ignore it. Instead, she tried to focus on making her friend happy, or at least a bit to her normal self again.

"Nah, I just sat down, actually." She said flicking her hand back and forth nonchalantly, a small smile on her lips.

"Oh." Eiram replied quietly, awkwardly fiddling with her fingers, trying to think of something to say.

Leah, sensing the shorter girls distress, quickly began to serve up the plates with the breakfast she made.

"Thanks." The redhead said when her plate was handed to her.

"No problem!" The other replied seating herself properly as she began to enjoy the food before her.

"No, really, thank you."

Leah looked up, her blue hues widened in mild shock, her anti-social, grumpy, and tired friend, was saying a genuine 'thank you' to her.

"You didn't have to do this for me, and I know I'm not the best person to hang around with, but I just want to say, I appreciate you being my friend." Eiram said, slightly embarrassed for the show of vulnerability she was presenting.

Leah blinked, once, twice, until a wide smile was spreading on her glowing face.

"Your welcome my friend, anything to help out. Besides, consider this as repayment for letting me sleep here last night." She giggled cheerily, stuffing her mouth with a fluffy pancake.

Eiram let out a playful huff, rolling her eyes,
"Well, it's not like I had any choice."

After breakfast was over and the dishes washed and put away, the two girls,(more like Eiram), decided to just sit in the family room and listen to the birds, low ringing chimes, the splashing fountain, and the loud cicadas in the large back yard.
The stoic happily and contentedly drawing scetchess at her desk, hoping to once again, find the next idea for her book.

A few hours had passed in blissful scilence. However, Leah couldn't stand to sit still any longer.
She snatched her ear buds out of her ears, peering over at her more relaxed best friend.

"Eiram?" She called.

"Hmm?" The red head responded, tilting her head towards the blonde, though her eyes were still glued to the art work.

"I have a perfect idea." She squealed, her eyes sparkled in excitement,
"Why don't you get a hybrid?"

Eiram froze, her small, but strong hand stopped it's quick motion.

"Hah?" She asked, turning her body to fully face the bubbly person, her brows furrowed.

"You know, a hybrid." She repeated.

"What in the world made you think I need a hybrid in my home?"

Leah got up off the couch and waved her arms around her, gesturing to the entire room.

"Girl, look at this place. It's huge! You can fit at least ten people to live in this place. And it's soo quiet, there's no life in here. And besides," She continued on her rant, placing her hands on her hips, "think of all the hybrids you could help! You'd be giving them a better life and home!"

Eiram pinched the bridge of her nose with her left hand, holding the other up to halt Leah in her tracks.

"Okay, number one," She began, "I like being alone, and I like the silence. Having a hybrid, or anyone really, would disturb my peace here. Two, I couldn't help but notice that you added the number of hybrids from one to many, and I don't know how to feel about that." She stated a matter-of-factly.

Leah pouted, her shoulders slumping a bit before she straightened herself up again, not giving up yet.

"But didn't you say some time ago that you wouldn't mind having a cat around?" She pondered out loud, thinking back a bit.

"Yeah, but that was then, and there is a difference between a hybrid and a normal house cat." The young girl replied dryly.

"But it's not healthy to be all by yourself." Leah whined, her eyes connecting with the others grey orb. Staying like that for a few moments, until Eiram sighed in defeat.

"Alright, alright. I will consider adopting a pet-"

"Ahem." Leah cleared her throat as she folded her arms across her chest, her eyes narrowing, and her lips pulling into a frown.

"A hybrid." She corrected herself begrudgingly.

"Great!" Leah beamed, rushing over to her purse pulling out her car keys, grabbing the spare car keys of Eiram's that she gave her for emergency.

"In that case, you can think about it on the way to the shelter! Let's go adopt some hybrids!" She squealed, bursting out the front door.

"Say what now-"

Hi, I'm back, I hope you enjoyed the story, in the next chapter I can guarantee you that the Eiram will meet her hybrids soon.
I am trying to write daily, but if I fail to do so I will write extra in advance.
There might be some spelling or grammar mistakes as well, but I did my best.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!!!🙂

To Gain Trust From a Stranger Hybrid AU BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now