A Mall Experience

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So waaayyy back when I first started writing, I said that if I disappeared I would work and do extra to make up for it, but it's a lot to promise since my life is weird and busy, haha. Well, here I am! I hope you enjoy!!

     "Here we are." Eiram announced half-heartedly as they pulled up to the mall's parking lot.

     "Whoa! This place is huge!" Denki and Eijiro exclaimed in unison, both their tails were wagging wildly and their bodies wiggled from the movement. They had their faces and hands plastered on the windows, though the short girl didn't mind.
     Once everyone was out of the vehicle, they all decided to transform to their human forms seeing it would be more convenient and appreciated by other customers and staff.

     "Okay, when we get inside, I want everyone to stay together near me. If you want to go look at something or enter a certain store just tell me so we don't accidentally leave anyone behind.
Don't wander around too far away from me." Eiram gave a pointed look at Denki for a moment.
     "Also, please let me know if something goes wrong or makes you uncomfortable. If there are any problems, come to me." All of the hybrids nodded, some of them giving a verbal affirmation. The noise was almost immediate when they entered the mall, the sounds and smells of different people and other hybrids assaulted their noses, except Eiram's of course.

     Hitoshi, Denki, Katsuki, and Eijiro gasped in awe of seeing such a new thing. Shota on the other hand, stayed quiet, though his eyes flickered with interest. The other pack memebers were undeterred by all of the lights and bustle, seeing as they had been to a mall before this.

     "Where do we go first?" Hizashi asked, his eyes wandered to every store available in sight.

     "It's your shopping, you choose." Eiram responded, waving her hand back and forth dismissively.

     "Can we go to that one?" Denki asked, pointing to a hybrid friendly store that carried clothes, blankets and other accessories anyone might need. It looked like it was a mix between a human and hybrid store.

    "Yeah! Can we go to that one? It looks nice." Izuku added, his long ears perked up with interest.

    "Sure." The small girl complied, making her way to the store.

     When they entered, a young woman somewhere in her early twenties greeted them, telling them 'if they needed assistance she was always available.' The first thing that seemed to catch the shifters' eye was the costumized clothing that able to let their tail hang out comfortably and hats that accommodate to any hybrids ears.

    "Okay, look at whatever you want, just stay in this store."

"Got it!"
"Yup!" We're the main responses she got as her hybrids spread out.

     Once they all were occupied, Eiram turned and went to the cashier in the front, as much as she dreaded it; she knew she had to ask if they had customizable chips to give her hybrids. After she asked her question, only to find out they did not carry info chips in the store, she wandered back to find all hybrids and see what they were up to.

      The first person she found was Keigo, who was looking at a crimson colored blanket with gold patterns thst looked soft to the touch. His fingers held the cloth delicately, as his thumb brushed the material lightly.

     "Do you like it?" The short girl asked in a rather cold but soft voice. Keigo's golden orbs snapped over to her startled, then a smile appeared on his face.

      "I do. Can we get it?" Eiram nodded, then realizing a cart would be needed for all the things they were about to get.

"Just let me get a cart to put it in."

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