Versus the Wolves at the Door - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

I spread the word to Harris and the three of us continued to search the robot while Harper was up in the control center.

"Internal sensors are back online." We heard Harpers voice say. 

"Thanks Harper." I responded.

"Never thought we'd be thanking Harper for something." Marks voice said.

"Seriously." I laughed before Harper said,

"Hey guys, I think I know where Ryan is."

"Where?" I asked.

"I don't know exactly but the camera shows he's dismantling a couch and also using big crates to block the door ways." Harper described.

"X-deck, it's gotta be." Mark said.

"Yeah he's definitely in the X-deck." I confirmed, lowering my voice. "I'm right around the corner, I can hear him. I'm gonna go in. Don't come in immediately, let me try and talk to him."

"I think Dakota should definitely be the one to go in, but wait for us to get a little closer." Harris said. "If something's really wrong with him we don't know what he could do."

"Fine, I'll wait a second.

"Why would he be blocking the doors, if Traegers not in the robot?" Mark asked. "Especially if he knows we're here."

"You know I'm not fully convinced he knows we're here." I said softly.

"What do you mean? You and Harris saw him, you said he definitely saw you." Mark asked again.

"Yeah he did, he looked right at me, but the way he looked at me, all he wanted was to get away, what if when he's looking at me, he's not actually seeing me?" I explained my thinking.

"How could that be?" Mark asked.

"I don't know, not that I know that's for sure the case, but I'm about to find out. How close are you guys?" I said.

"I'm not far from him, you can go in, be careful though, and I hope your wrong." Harris says.

"You and me both." I whispered as I approached the only open door that led to the x-deck, slowly, especially when I realized he was not in there, though seconds earlier I heard him walking around in the room. Looking down at my feet I saw a bunch of shattered and smashed pieces of technology. I felt movement behind me as I turned and saw Ryan climb it of the hatch in the wall, I almost felt myself smile, but when he didn't after looking right at me, I could tell something was wrong.

"Traeger!" He yelled in my direction, taser and ooze cannon in each hand. Before I could say anything two gravity picks flew at my head, I hit the ground, to dive out of the way and they crashed into the wall of crates behind me. I couldn't even get back to my feet before I looked up to Ryan standing over me, ooze cannon pointed at my face. "Don't move Traeger!"

"Ryan it's not Traeger!" I said out of panic. Nothing was written on his face but rage, and to me, a little bit of fear. "Ry it's Dakota!"

"You think I'm stupid Traeger!" He scoffed, as if it was actually Traeger trying to pretend to be me.

"Ryan seriously its Dakota!" I pleaded again, as if that would change his mind. He was either about to fire the cannon are say something else before Harris basically ran through him, knocking him to the ground. 

"Are you okay?" Mark asked helping me up.

"I'm okay." I said looking to Harris, who's attempting to hold Ryan down.

"Ryan what are you doing!" Harris yelled. Ryan threw Harris off of him and scurried to the other side of the room, observing the scene.

"Don't move Ryan." Mark said calmly.

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