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1:17am. My head hurts.

The music getting to much, the weed wearing off to a dull flame.
I was done, i wanted to sleep, but i was hungry, i felt sick, i needed the toilet, i felt a mess.

"Alahna" i called her name in the crowd, i heard a quiet call of my name, before smacking into the back of her, we laughed a lot at that.

"I really need a fuckin' piss" i complained, "come on, we can use Kai's house" grabbing my hand, we made it along to his house.

It was a typical American house, white, made out of cardboard, but it was huge and had pretty flowers outside, placed too perfectly, the home opened into a cozy but large foyer, with rugged carpets running off in different directions, and a huge chandelier, the house was dead silent, and pitch black.

"Where's the fuckin' lights?" i asked, feeling along the wall, Alahna didn't answer, looking back at her, "do you even know where the toilet is?" I hissed, she looked at me like she was about to burst with laughter.

"No, not a fucking clue" before she actually burst out laughing, which only made me join.

"What the fuck do we do now" i asked.

"Scavenger hunt for the bathroom" she said and i laughed, "in the dark?" to which she laughed back.

After calming down a bit we split up to find a bathroom, knowing we'd probably come across one eventually. I had split off down the right corridor, and alana was upstairs, i managed to find a bathroom, a small room with just a simple toilet and sink, Alahna probably found one with a jacuzzi in it or some shit.

I was able to tough it drunkenly in the dark, deciding on going back out by the stairs to wait for her.

Then a small red light caught my eye, it was flashing fom inside the kitchen, from the dishwasher, like a reminder, smiling to myself i ran across the large red rug and into the kitchen, searching my brain, amongest the weed and alcohol i found the momory, the 5th cabinet. Get fucked Elizabeth.

I had gotten about half of the cups in the dishwasher when i heard footsteps.

"There you are" he said, already on defence mode i stumbled back, not being able to see anything also didn't help.

"What?" i answered, this is it, he's gonna kill me here, we're alone.

He suddenly appeared from the left side of the house, "where'd ya go" he carried on walking, pushing my back against the island counter.

"What are you talking about now" i stood up straight, but he didn't care how i stood, he wasn't stopping, his feet nearly met mine when he did, his hair still looked messy even in this light.

"The fuck you want Chris?" his eyes focused on the hat still on my head, he bit down on his lip till his eyes thinned, looking around, "are you doing their dishes?" he said, i sort of forgot for a second how weird this would look if someone walked in.

"Kinda" i answered, i wasn't going to tell him i was doing something for him for once. he ignored it rolling his eyes.

"Whatever, i wanna know what you did with her" why the fuck?

"Why? was she that important?", i leaned closer, heart still racing, lacing with fear of him in the dark, i felt like i couldn't point out the things i hates about him like this, i couldn't move when he was looking at me, i tightened my fists together.

"She was going to be", cunt.

"I killed her Chris, burned her alive, but it's okay, she was blonde you won't miss her" i bite sarcastically, he looked amused, like he knew i didn't actually, he probably saw the whole thing anyway.

I H8 U// Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now