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Chris's POV :)

Unforgiving darkness is all i see when I look into her eyes, it makes me realise how easy I get lost in them, the way it draws me in and sticks me there with the strongest glue in the universe.
The way she talks to me was in-trancing, it hexes me to never leave her side, it gave me the urge to kill anyone who tries to damage her.

And she knew what she was fucking doing to me, it was the funniest, most enjoyable game to her. And all I ever wanted to do was join in.

"Fuck you, Christopher" I hear her say as our lips where paper thin apart, i cant help but smile at the attitude, I never wanted her to not give me.

I stay still and silent, not closing the gap between us, couldn't tell you the reason.

"Chris?" Her lips brush mine as she says my name.

"Mhm" i reply dropping my other hand to hers, she fiddles around with my fingers as I rub my thumb across her palm.

"Why do you kiss me?"

"Why do you like it?" I say, she rolls her eyes and moves her face away from mine slightly, my chest burns and I grab her jaw again, bring her back to me.

"Stop answering a question with a fucking question" she mocks me. "Take your own fucking advice, prick"

"Because I like it" I blurt out, dropping my voice lower.

She meets my eyes deeply, her nose scrunching in thought. "But you don't like me" she states.

"No, not particularly" she laughs at that, dropping her forehead onto mine. "Love, I-" i call her. Whatever I was going to say after that leaves, shit, why did I call her 'love'?

"Fuck, don't say that" she whispers back.


"It makes me far to happy for your liking" i smile, fuck, she was going to kill me.

She breaks eye contact to look down at my hand, she ran her finger over cuts, Eli's face had made, I hissed as she touched it.

"Get up" she tell me as she rises, "I need to clean it, dumb fuck" i roll my eyes but follow her into the kitchen anyway.

She orders me to sit on the stool as she disappears to get a med box.
I look down at my hand, the cuts and scrapes, who made them. The only person I hate more then Octavia is him, what he did to her, what he said he'd do again. Every bone in my body screamed to just finish him off every time he entered the room. Seriously debating it.

"It's going to hurt so don't be a baby" she said walking back into the kitchen, holding a bottle of something and a roll of bandages. "But knowing you, you've probably got a thing for pain"

"Your the one who'd be inflicting it, so I'd say you do, Octavia" she glared at me, going slightly red.

She stops in between my legs, i stare up at her, how her nose scrunched as she poured the liquid onto a wipe, she caught me staring, but just stared back.

"Hand" she asked, holding up hers, I gave her my hand, letting it relax into hers, "ready?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, chill" she chuckles at that, rightly so as i flinched at the sting setting in, fuck this hurt.

I try to breathe through it, but it was shaky and rough, as she kept wiping each cut, probably for far to long.

"Chris just hold onto me, fuck sakes" she catches on to my dramatics, i stare at her, it's not couldn't hold her hand?

My eyes glance down to her waist, she slightly moved closer to me, i jump as she started cleaning my cuts again, my hand instantly grabs her waist, holding it tightly. I groan at the stinging, she shifts slightly but never says a word.

I H8 U// Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now