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I hear it, from where we stood at the entrance to the parking lot, I hear it, the sound of my entire life being dangle mercilessly off a cliff. I stare as far as I can see to the intersection, he crashed the goddamn car, with her in it.

I turn away from it, holding my chest as all the air gets sucked out, everything around me blurs, the people, the voices, the cries, it all leaves my mind.

I can hear only my breathing in my own ears, raspy and heavy as i stare down at the concrete with my heart in my hands, i was ready to give it to her, but now, knowing I might not be able to. Tore me in two.

My ears ring when Matt shakes my shoulders, trying to get my attention, he's saying things, shouting things, and I wasn't listening to anything, fearing anything i replied with would just be tears and cries. And screams in the agony I was in.

"There on their way!"

"We need to go!"

"Oh my god I can hear people screaming over there!"

"I'm gonna pass out!"

I hear some of the things the others where saying, the broken sentences only making my eyes sting more, i turn my head around to them, my head so dizzy I felt like It could fall off my body.

Kit looked at me, I could almost see her own heart sink again, "oh my god Chris, no" her arms wrap around me, my arms don't move from their position hanging down my body, none of me move, I stay frozen as everything moves around me.

I was dragged by Nick down the road to where it happened, my feet only dragging me after him. The sirens shot past my ears as I see the ambulance race past, i felt incredibly confused, nothing was matching up, nothing was syncing together. It was like the world had tipped the wrong way.

I trip slightly into the back of Nick when he stopped, my eyes roaming around, realising we were right in the middle of utter chaos, lights still flashing around my eyes. People were running around in all directions, some civilians and some paramedics.

Then I see her, lying on the road, my heart bleeds into my chest at how lifeless she looked. Something clicked and everything zoomed back in, i ran to her, breaking away from Nicks hand.

I graze my knees into the floor beside her, Matt and Nick coming to my side.

"Octavia, no, no no no, don't you fucking leave me!" I shout to her, linking my hand with hers, people start pulling at my shoulders.

"Boys step back, please" a paramedic tell the others. "What's his name?"

"Chris" Matt says, his voice breaking while Nick lets out a hiccuped cry, cursing under his breath.

"Chris, buddy, we need to help her, can you please stand back?" I hear his voice but i take none of it in.

"Wake up!" I shout again, she doesn't answer, I've never wanted to hear her more in my life.

The man grabs my arms and pulls me back, away from her, "okay come on" he says.

"No, She needs me!" I shout to him, pulling myself from him to get back to her.

"Okay can I have some assistance" he tells some other guys.

"You idiot, don't leave me, there's so many things I need you to know, I promise I'll tell you, just get up, please!" I try and plead with her silent self, until I'm completely pried off her by about three guys.

I stumble back as paramedics swarm her, then I break, Matt and Nick both hugging me and crying too, the men around us leaving to join the swarm around her. I cling onto Nicks arm and close my eyes with the tears still falling out, drenching my cheeks.

I H8 U// Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now