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"Octavia," he clears his throat, "this accusation is quite serious" he finished while ruffling through some papers, i roll my eyes and slap my hands on my knees, before standing up.

"Excuse me?" He says as my back turns to him, "please sit down". I'm already done with his ballshit.

"Why?" I square his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"I just need you to know, if true these things will get Elijah in a lot of trouble". He starts writing down my 'statement'.

"That's the point, sir", i click my tongue, "if your not going to sort him out, I will, again".

"There will be no more violence today!" He raises his voice.

"Some people need a push to stay inline", i thin my eyes.

"Another word Octavia and you will be in just as much trouble, I'm not turning an eye at the fact you did assault a fellow student, showed no remorse, and we have had you back less then a week."

"Must've been boring without me".

Even though I was angry, it was partly covered by the exhausted, drained, part of me. So much had happened in a small amount of time, i hadn't stopped to realise how much this is damaging me.

Mr Myers, suddenly typed erratically on his keyboard, before he turned to me.

"Octavia Antonio, you are suspended until further notice. Your parents are aware, you may wait outside my office for word on how you will get home" he pointed to the door, "now, leave."

My eyes stung, i didn't give a fuck about getting suspended, it was why I was, for telling the truth? standing up for myself?

I lifted my shoulders up and kept the waterworks behind me, "and Elijah?" I asked him.

"He is suspended for the day." A hint of spite in his tone.

My chest rose and I felt like I could breathe fire, but just as I was about to start, mum.

"Octavia, outside" she said as my head turned to her barging into the room, the door hitting the wall, her face radiating mine, she was pissed, but not at me.

I slightly smiled at her, she was the fiercest woman I'd ever know, she had this one.

I backed out the room, holding up my middle fingers at the headteacher, spite.

Before the door even closed i could hear her yelling the man down, I'd give anything to see his face.

My smile faded when I looked at who was sat in the chair.

"How's your dick?" I asked him, he chuckled slightly but had nothing to say, wouldn't even look at me. "Better pray it still works, prick". I imitated praying and looked up, before laughing at his sour face.


Getting out to the car park my eyes landed on a car next to mine, Alvie?

He was walking over to me, incredibly fast, but his face plastered with worry and softness, and by his side was Darlia, she hugged a large coat around her as she walked slower behind him, i shot her a smile, loving them together, finally.

Alvies arms wrapped around me, to my surprise, I don't think he's ever hugged me, willingly.

I hugged back as he squeezed me, then he looked at me, his eyes were weak, searching my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked, i furrowed my eyebrows.

"Um" i mumbled, not really knowing what exactly he knew.

I H8 U// Chris Sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now