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For the whole of their lives, humans seldom understand emotions beyond naming them

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For the whole of their lives, humans seldom understand emotions beyond naming them.

Mihira had always thought if it would be better if she had somehow seen the emotions she felt, if her feelings had been tangible. If she could understand the tangle of blood and memories that she was had she been able to see the way emotions curled around her aching ribs and light her eyes with their darkness.

If the shock that she was feeling was tangible, Mihira supposed it would look something like a wisp of grey clouds strung together by the softly moving winds as it tightened around her painfully.

As if she had been hit, Mihira staggered a step back.


Even in a daze, she found an intriguing thought as she noticed that she had only repeated his name ever since the moment he had walked away from the threshold of the temple. Perhaps, that was how the people of a drowning Dwarka had called for a man who had returned to being Jagatpita once more.

His name was everything at once, a reassurance, a question, a protest to bring Him back, a sob and a silent plead. His name was everything that her being needed and wanted.

He looked at her with some emotion akin to a troubled father's while He looked barely older than herself. Nodding, He confirmed his words again.

"My Child, karma is a transitional affair. It is essentially a business you do, knowingly or unknowingly." He sighed, turning a white gold bracelet around His wrist. He added,"There are several karma you did, for which you have not gotten the fruit yet. The coming Satyug cannot offer you the chance to collect those fruits."

Mihira frowned and nodded,"But, Prabhu, what more fruits would I wish for after seeing you? What more punishment could I endure after living?"

He chuckled slowly and shook His head, raising His eyebrows as He teased,"Mihira, how could I ruin the surprise for you?"

"You must embark on your own journey to understand the tangle of karma and it's fruits."

She looked down at another drowning city that would be named mythical in the coming yug, just like His previous city had. With blood, dead bodies, weapons and plants and flowers flowing together seamlessly, it was an amalgamation of everything that life represented.

"Dear girl, life is seldom something that one enjoys," He said with a small smile,"but that does not mean one can get free from their karma. I cannot interfere with the greater workings of the universe, Child. I am but a messanger."

Mihira snorted,"Please, Prabhu. You encompass much bigger characteristics that cannot even be named in any language. Do not try to contain the Sun in a palm, Prabhu."

"My dear Hanuman accomplished that feat fairly easily." He commented with a cheeky grin.

Mihira smiled back,"And yet, Mahabali Hanuman worships you."

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