The Road Taken

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The small balcony had become somewhat of a solace to her

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The small balcony had become somewhat of a solace to her.

Mihira was a lone creature, she did not do well whilst being in crowd for long. It was dangerous for both, her and the people anywhere around her.

The reason that she had a close friendship with Eklavya was that he understood her need to be alone after a while. He had now become used to her periods of self time and only gave her a reassuring look before telling her to be back whenever she felt like it.

It warmed her heart, to be honest. They both understood eachother and knew that while Eklavya thrived in aliases and shadows, Mihira thrived in bloodshed and interpersonal politics. Perhaps it was wrong of her to immerse herself in such interests, but she hadn't knowing anything but bloodshed since she was merely a child. She was allowed to have an expertise, damn it.

Mihira almost startled when the door to the balcony opened and out stepped the second prince, Rukmanetra.

It had barely been 24 hours since the capture of Dishti and Abhayam, and the preceding minute kidnapping of the prince but he looked right as rain, barring the handful bruises on his arms and near his jaw. His eyebrows were drawn and lips pursed, shoulders pulled taut like even his posture was ingrained into his soul.

Mihira smirked but refrained from uttering anything as Rukmanetra settled down on the settee opposite her. He nodded at her in greeting gruffly but didn't say anything more.

Mihira may need several alone hours to chain her need of politicking, but unfortunately, the prince had just interrupted that and was about to be her target.

"You come here to sulk often, your excellency?"

Rukmanetra smiled sarcastically at her. "I often come here for peace, Devi, but peace has abandoned me since the day we have made personal contact."

His words were barbed but his tone was light and Mihira loved a verbal spar as much as anyone else. She smiled back. "You flatter me, your excellency. Give yourself credit too, you have spent years ruining your own peace. I just helped matters along, if I may be so humble."

Rukmanetra shook his head, almost fond. "So humble, Devi. I might just suggest my mother to respect your humility and not award you with honours that come with aiding the royal family."

Mihira bowed her head,"Aiding the royal family is my duty, your excellency."

"Anyone else would have left me for death, I can tell you that," Rukmanetra said. Mihira was tempted to agree. Had she no tact, she would have slowed her steps and never gone after him in the first place. She would have let him die, if he wasn't so useful.

Mihira tilted her head, the picture of polite and innocent curiosity. "Unafraid of death but hesitant of being rude, your excellency? It seems like a... unique blend of traits."

Rukmanetra eyed her suspiciously but the corners of his lips turned down in a downward smile, seeming almost impressed. "Daring, Devi. However, to answer your unasked but implied query, yes, that is a unique blend. It comes with being raised in a royal household."

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