Glory And Gore

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Surprise had been an emotion that Mihira had battled for too long

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Surprise had been an emotion that Mihira had battled for too long. She had seen too much of it as a child to appreciate it at the current time.

(When would a bomb drop? Where? Would Papa come back alive? Why is Maa crying? There's blood on my clothes, is it mine? Did I break a bone? Where is Shaili? Shaili. Shaili needs to leave, they want to-)

She wretched herself out of the thoughts as Rukmi started speaking, seeming to take charge in the room due to his authority and age.

"We appreciate that you're cooperating with us, Devi Mihira." He said, lacing his fingers together in his lap. Mihira controlled her muscles before they could betray her, hiding away her amused scoff at his subtle nervousness.

She saw Rukmanetra's eyes trained at her, almost seeming ready to snap his precious control and shout. She nodded pleasantly,"Of course, Your Highness, it's an honour."

Rukmabahu smiled tightly at her. "What we discuss, must not reach any ears outside of this room, Devi, Mahoday." Mihira risked a glance at Eklavya from her periphery as he nodded, unsurprised. Cold annoyance hissed in the bones of Mihira's fingers, the urge to take back control —with bruises if necessary— right on her tongue.

Rukmabahu continued with a sombre tone,"You are aware that in the last three weeks there have been several," he hesitated, trying to find the right word.

Rukmanetra shook his head and completed the sentence in contempt. "Murders." He sighed loudly, continuing in the same tone,"There have been three murders in the last three weeks. My brothers, aware of your deduction abilities, Devi, seem to think that you would be amenable to assisting us in the capture of the killer."

Mihira pursed her lips, satisfaction purring silently in the back of her throat. She maintained her composure, glee at her importance would be celebrated later, in the privacy of her own rooms. She nodded at him to continue, as the Minister of Law Maintenance and Defence, crimes in the state were his responsibility to solve. Rukmanetra, naturally, would hold lead.

It was obvious, he did not appreciate or approve of her counsel, but if he was overruled into acceptance, did she have to care about his opinion?

The murders had been the talk of the city since the first body was found. Shattered, they said, brutalised in a way that insulted death. Blood that no one could discern from filth, drawn out. Hands punctured, ribs broken. Rumours flew faster than winds about them.

"You will be provided reasonable compensation for extra work and you will be released from the finance department, whenever you are needed, should you choose to accept the request." Rukmabahu said,"We are aware that this is out of the realm of your duties and should you decline, there would be no changes done to your current position."

The advantages were good, she knew. The only way to get closer to the Royal family was to make them owe her a debt and she had no doubt, even if she was compensated, the nobles would think of this a debt. Doing favours would incur goodwill as well as make sure that they trust her if she needed to help Rukmini run away, whenever it may be.

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