Good Graces

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It was said that the first description of Rukmini spoke of her in a way that determined her to be the most beautiful woman on Earth; glass eyes, golden skin, moon like face and braided tresses that could shame jasmine creepers

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It was said that the first description of Rukmini spoke of her in a way that determined her to be the most beautiful woman on Earth; glass eyes, golden skin, moon like face and braided tresses that could shame jasmine creepers.

Barely near the truth, those comments.

It was quite obvious that she was an incarnation of the Mahalakshmi whose beauty even Narayan couldn't describe.

There was an aura of elegance and power she carried, that made Mihira want to kneel again and reverently worship the only princess of Vidharbh.

Rukmini was slender, taller than Mihira and the average Dwapar women but so obviously youthful. Her hair shone brightly, braided in an intricate braid with almost unnoticable flowers placed in the strands and a lotus shaped headset on the crown of her head.  Her anklets continued to announce her presence even after the guards silenced, her  bangles matching her red saree perfectly. Her golden armbands were shaped in curling peacock feathers.

Mihira remembered the Shree on Krishna's armbands with teary eyes.

Rukmini met her eyes with a gentle smile, looking as if she was floating on land with such grace. Mihira averted her eyes and dully observed the other members of the Royal family walking towards them.

The princes all made it very obvious that they were brothers— the same set of shoulders, the similar rectangular face shape and the near identical set of wristbands they wore spoke of unity. Mihira noticed that they walked a practiced gait which looked more comfortable on two of them, rather than all of them. The walked in an obvious bracket around their sister and parents, Queen Shuddhamati being the only one walking exactly beside the King, while even Rukmini walked a few paces behind.

When the group of them was twenty feet away, Mihira lowered her eyes and began counting backwards to calm herself down. Eklavya murmured beside her,"Please be respectful."

Resisting the urge to show him just how disrespectful she could be, Mihira clenched her jaw but did not reply.

"Introduce yourself." Rukmi commanded, jaw clenched and eyes hard as he scowled at Eklavya.

Eklavya fell to a knee with a flourish,"At your service, your highness. Eklavya Nishad, son of Hiranyadhanush. I have been in your service for the last eight years and am currently willing to report to you about the last assignment that I was assigned. As per your wishes."

Rukmi nodded, still looking displeased at Eklavya. "Rise, old friend. And you, Devi? Who you might be?"

"I am Mihira, daughter of a doctor in Bela village, Chedi, your highness." Unable to resist such a chance, Mihira risked a quick smile at Rukmini, "However, in case of aliases, I suppose I am married to him." She carelessly pointed towards Eklavya, who looked exhausted of her.

He seemed to be reconsidering his notion of helping her by taking a guarantee of her loyalty and behaviour. Too late, Mihira thought to herself giddily. Perhaps it was the stress of the council, she would muse later in regard to her behaviour, or perhaps it was the deliriousness of seeing Rukmini.

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