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Hey It's Nancy! I just wanted to say hello! before you read the book just know it's an old story of mine and so my editing skills are not the best. I'm not horrible, but if you'd like to read carry on!

Chapter 1

"Hazel, It's time to go" I heard Dona, my social worker call to me from the doorway of my house. I could see that the house was close to empty, all my family memories, my family scents, my childhood was packed and put in a truck.  I was still in shock of what my life had become, what it still is to come. I was confused that I was being adopted by a family so quickly after the death of my parents. It felt like everyone else was brainwashed to think everything was okay when it clearly wasn't.  

"OK" I said as I rubbed the tears from my cheeks. I walked out and she rested her arm on my back. I wiggled it off and  sped up to get to the car without hearing her ask how I was doing. I wasn't sure I would be able to lie and say I was fine one more time. I'm so close to breaking. 

2 days later.

I felt the car drive to a stop and I woke from my slumber when I looked out to first see what was a large gate and brick wall with creepy gnomes on top. The rain pelted the window in the back seat of the car. I looked to see further and there only twenty feet from the gate stood a big mansion. It was dark like on those scary movies my dad and I used to watched. "Wow look at that Hazel, it's amazing" Dona said in her perky voice. I rolled my eyes, her positively was getting on my nerves. 

"Big freaking whoop I get to live with rich snobby people" I said while crossing my arms like a five year old. Dona looked at me with her cat-like eyes. "You don't know if they're snobby" She said. I shrugged keeping my vision on the dead trees the covered the whole landscape.

"Let's go in kiddo" She said patting my leg. She got out of the car with a happy smile on her face. Why was she so happy? To get rid of me?

"Hopefully they don't murder me as soon as you leave. This place gives me the creeps." I said. Dona just gave me a disproving look. I shrugged and walked towards the gate. The ground of wet sand squished under my rain boots. It was humid out here and it was raining and the sky was as grey as my sweater.  I felt like running away in the woods that surrounded us. Where were we? I doubt they even had cell service. All that was missing was the Lighting  and the smell of death and tears.  

"Who are these people? Why did they want to adopt me?" I asked once more, hopeing she would give me a better answer than "Because, you're a great kid". I was older and my parents dropped less than a month ago. I was smart enough to know things like that don't just happen. 

"I don't know, but I'm starting to get goose bumps." She said. It was a more truthful answer, but still close to nothing. I don't get scared easy but I felt goosebumps start to trickle up my arms and legs as well. Dona knocked on the door of the house. We waited for half a second before the gate opened. We continued up the path now on a concrete path all the way to the large double front door. Once we got there I saw Dona grip her paperwork tighter and she knocked the door hard and stern. 

 Immediately the door started to crack open. You could see a dark eye and the sliver of a pale cheek look through. I made eye contact with the eye and immediately looked away, my heart started to race and under my breath I whispered "Please don't leave me here" 

The door opened all the way, giving a horrible creaking noise as if the door hadn't opened in years. I could see now that it was a tall slender lady. She was pale and dark shadows circled her eyes. She had her hair up in a nasty bun and she was wearing a long dark dress that fitted her body. I noticed her nails were long and disturbing. I could tell they didn't put their money to good use.  Her expression was the weirdest thing of all though. She looked like she was going to cry, but at the same time scream with joy.

"You must be Hazel. I'm Katerina" She said in an accent as her mouth widened to a smile that could kill. She made no eye contact with Dona.  I could hear the sound of classical music in the background. I desperately wanted to cover my ears and hide under a rock.

"Yeah, do you think we can come in and see what's going on?" Dona asked stepping one step forward. Katerina glanced at Dona with her eyes then back at me with another smile.  I wanted to cringe. She took a large sigh and than back at Dona. 

"Actually, my Husband is a little ill and he doesn't want to see anyone. I see you have a lot of paperwork to fill out, and I'm sure you know how to fill that out alone. Thank you for personally bringing me my hazel. " Katerina was looking dead set into Dona's eyes as she spoke and I thought Dona was going to insist, but Dona nodded with a smile. 

"Of course, Here she is." Dona grabbed my arm and pulled me in front of her. I felt completely betrayed. I obviously didn't think Dona would be scared enough to just abandon me only god knows where and ditch me. I stared back at her with disbelief, but Dona pulled her bag further on her arm and nodded a goodbye. 

"Thanks again" Katerina said as she pulled me into the house. I could hear the door slam in Dona's face and I could feel the warmth of the house. First thing I noticed was the big beautiful staircase in front of me. I could see the gold trim and the big red carpet spill over each step like a waterfall of blood.

"What do you think?" She asked. I could feel her cold hands lapse over my shoulders. I shivered and looked back at her.

"It's nice." I said quickly. I looked up at her tall figure and she smiled at me with long lips that spread ear to ear.

"Your stuff arrived yesterday and is upstairs in your room; may I take you there now?" She asked. Something about her seemed familiar, but I shook the feeling away. I nodded and gulped more dry air down my throat as she led the way up the stairs. My eyes followed the train of her long dress rippling up the stairs. It was a two way staircase and the dark walls lead to doors. We went left into a dark hallway following the candles that lit part of the way. My rain boots squished across the wood of the hallway floor. We finally made it to the door. I looked up at Katerina; she had a smile on her face. "We're here". She opened the door and I swear I was walking into Narnia because the place was a fantasy land.

"Woah" I mouthed as I walked two steps in the door. My eyes wandered to the blue and gold four-poster bed in the corner of the room. I saw the big massive dresser on the other side of the bed. It was holding a lamp with gold fabric dangling from the end. I could see the glass door of the balcony. It was raining harder now.

 "Your stuff is there. You can tour the rest of the house later" She said. "Oh, and one more thing, my room is the farthest from yours down the hall. Don't go in there" She said. Then I felt a wind and heard the door slap behind me. I jumped and looked back already knowing I would come face to face with a pale white door. I looked over to see my three bags of clothes on the ground next to the closet. My pink Hello kitty one, my blue one that looked deformed and my orange one that was shaped like a cylinder.

I walked over to the mirror above the dresser and looked at myself. My dark hair was a mess. I could tell that I have been crying. I looked dirty and I didn't want to take a shower. I wanted to curl up in that king sized bed and die. I pulled my hair up then let it drop again. I pulled my iPod out my pocket turned on Black Veil Brides and started to unpack.


I hope you liked it. It is my first story on here. So comment and fan! Thanks. :)

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