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Coming into the house I spotted Arthur getting ready to leave and go into town. I hurried up stairs to get ready for the party tonight. My phone started to ring and I pulled it out of my back pocket.

"What do you want?" I hissed in the phone.

"Hey, hey sis, calm down. Just wanted to know if you can announce my arrival tonight" Jade said in her perky voice...Or my voice only more perky. Was my voice perky?..ugh. I sighed and went through my dresses in the closet as I kept talking to jade.

"I don't know. Why tonight?" I asked. Should I wear green or red?

"Because I really miss everyone" Jade wined on the other end. I sighed as I pulled out a white and dark blue dress. The blue was silk and the White was Lace. I laid it on my bed and smoothed it out.

"Fine, I'll see what I can work out" I said.

"You did tell my parents right?"

"Yes, they keep doing things to get out of the house. And they're trying not to look me straight in the eyes. I think they're still a little shocked about the whole thing may even not believe me" I told Jade. She murmured something to herself, not paying attention to me.

"Ok well I'll see you tonight" Jade said then she hung up. I groaned into the dead line. I felt kind of sick. My stomach kept churning and I didn't know if it was excitement or horror. I hurried and put on my dress twisting it to fit comfortably.

I heard the front doors open and Liz's voice "I'm getting ready I'll be back in a second." They were home from there hunting trip. My bedroom door opened and Ian burst through.

"Can you knock? I could have been putting my clothes on" I said. I went to my dresser and started to put my hair up.

"Sorry" Ian said. Then Liz busted in the room. All ready for tonight wearing a small green colored dress with black bows. She was fast.

"Hazel!" Liz said. I smiled as she went over to me and gave me a hug.

"Almost ready?" Liz said started to admire my dress and touching the fabric of lace and fabric, tugging lightly on the sleeves to fix it.

"It's time" I said. Liz raised her brows at me. After a minute she pierced her lips then she shared a look with Ian.

"Ok" She whispered and then we went out. When we got downstairs there was Arthur sitting in one of the sofa chairs. He was reading a small piece of paper and Katerina wasn't in the room. Arthur lifted his head.

"Hi" I said. He was glaring at me like I did something wrong.

"What do you want?" He asked with a harsh tone. He was so mad at me for some reason. Is it my dress? Did I do something wrong? Is it the jade thing?

"Oh I just wanted to let you know I'm announcing the announcement tonight" I said. He stood up and walked next to me looking me straight in the face. Why was he so mad?

"I got that" Arthur said then he put the small note he had in his hand in mine. He was gone then. I looked in my palm. I read it. My mouth already starting to hang open as I finished and read the name at the bottom I froze more horrified.

"I didn't write this" I whispered to myself my voice cracked at the end and I could feel myself ready to burst into tears. I clenched my teeth together to stop myself from the sobs that held my heart.

"What is it?" Liz said tugging on me. I was scowling at the paper in my hand as I started to hand it over to Liz. She took the paper delightedly and then started to read. Her face started to fall within seconds.

"Jade wrote this didn't she?" Liz asked. I nodded afraid if I opened my mouth I wouldn't stop myself from the tears that compelled me. Liz was speechless she just looked up at me with her big black eyes. Her mouth parted a bit and as she looked at my face she pulled her hand in mine.

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