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           I put the last of my belongings in the top drawer of the dusty white dresser. I looked up from the little gold handles to see myself face-to-face with myself in the mirror once again. I sighed because a part of me cared, but a larger part of me didn't. What did any of it matter.  I was now in a house with some creepy ass woman in a mansion so far away from everything I know.   

"This can't be happening" I whispered to myself. "Where did it all go wrong?"

I walked down stairs slowly and found myself wondering into a giant dining room. The room had a magnificently large dining table that was large and wooden. It held at least twenty chairs. The room was large as well holding many glass cabinets holding china and large silver trays. As I walked I noticed the dust on everything as well. I put my finger to the chair closest in an attempt to wipe the dusk when I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head. 

--200 years ago—

The room was filled with people, I had a sense of knowing them very well. They must have been relatives because they all looked similar.  They were eating a great feast held in the middle of the table. Katerina and who I assumed was Arthur, her husband sat at the end of the table next to me, is that me? No. She's Jade. How did I know this? Jade. Jade had brown hair and dark green eyes, she looked slightly different , but it was uncanny how similar to me she looked. Everyone wore old fashioned clothes, and I wondered if there was some sort of renaissance in town. There were two men in the middle of the table  scoffing down there meal, ready to go back outside to play soccer. They were brothers, but they were not blood related to the family, they were cousins of someone marriage between their parents and the Trinians which is the family name.  Next to one of the men was a small girl with bouncy black hair and she also was sitting next to jade admiring her.

"Where is Buddy? I need another glass" Jade said lifting her glass. A tall man with hair as white as snow then walked in the room from the door on the right side of the room. He was holding a brand new glass of tea. He put it on the table and took Jade's Empty glass. She gave him a smile and a quick thanks. Buddy the butler then took some of the dirty plates around the table...

I felt myself coming back into the reality. I felt my heart racing and my head spin. I let go of the chair I now gripped and fell on my butt with a thud. 

"Are you ok?" I heard an English accent. I looked up to see the man that I had just seen in vision? Imagination? 

"Buddy" I whispered knowing exactly who he was. His eyebrows raised and he gave a slight confused smile. 

"Are you the new girl that Miss. Katerina has told me about?" He asked me. I nodded quickly.

"How did you know my name, I assumed they called me butler now" he asked.

"Oh, well I guess not. Katerina said you were the one to get a glass of water from" I said biting my lip and lying through my teeth. 

"Ah, yes that will be me" He said leading me through a door. When I was inside I saw that the kitchen was defiantly old fashioned, it had everything manual, even the washroom had an old washboard and tub.

"How long have you guys lived here?" I asked Buddy after he handed me a glass of water. I was almost scared to drink because of how dusty and rusty everything seemed. The kitchen didn't even look like anyone had used it in a long time. 

"Well, they're family grew up here from generations, but I have lived here since they were children"  He said grabbing himself a glass of water. I felt that was all he was going to say about the house, but I kept my suspicions. I watched as he drank his water with a wince. 

"It was nice meeting you" I said as I set my glass down and turned to walk out of the door. 

"Pleasure was mine. May I ask your name?" He stopped me with one hand on the handle. 

"Hazel, but people call me Haze sometimes" I gave a forced smile. A part of me really liked the butler, he seemed kind-hearted. I felt weird making the assumptions, but I oddly knew them to be true. 

"Hazel is a nice name" He said. "thanks" I replied.I walked out the kitchen door back to the dining room. I swept my hand across a near bookcase and saw that all the books looked a bit overused and most not even from this time at all. I walked down the hall and past the staircase to see Arthur sitting on the couch in the parlor. He had a blanket on his lap and he was reading a book. I wasn't sure to enter the room, but he looked up before I could turn the corner. I hadn't met Arthur yet, but I knew him from or whatever that was. I was still trying to catch my breath about it. 

"Jade..I mean..Hazel" He said. He got up folded the blanket and put it on the couch. I looked around the place as I waited for him to finish tidying up. There were dark wooden floors and the couch was a dark red with small golden designs in it. There was also a small coffee table and a fireplace; two fireplaces actually. One had a mirror on top and the other was just a mantel and a painting. There was also a wall that looked like it should be bearing a painting but it was stripped off. It was an odd empty space between to golden drapes.

"Katerina didn't tell me you arrived. She must be out getting dinner. Hello, I'm Arthur...Your new father." He extended his hand. I took it feeling a little odd. I hope he didn't expect me to call him dad, because he was a fool if he did. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"It was a long way here, but I think I'm okay now" I said, trying to smile.I wanted to ask questions, but I didn't know if I could trust his answers. 

"Please, sit" He said patting part of the couch next to him. I hesitantly sat down and watched him watching me intently, like he was measuring every detail in my face. 

"So, do you have any kids?" I asked to break the silence. He paused for a second before he answered. He looked like he was trying to find the words. "We did have a daughter, but she died recently and we weren't ready to stop being parents" he put a hand on my shoulder as he spoke. Oh fantastic I was a replacement, not only that I bet she looked and was my exact age. Isn't this some kind of horror movie. They're trying to replace me in some weird creepy way.  

"That makes a lot of sense"  I nodded sincerely at him and he gave me a warm smile. I want out. I need out of here. I'm clearly losing my mind. I had some weird vision of them as a family, this girl they once loved with all their hearts. What was her name..

"What was her name?" I asked waiting for my heart to drop as my vision was confirmed. 

"It was...Jade"


OK chap two is now done! yay me! Vote if you would like! :D

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