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I awoke still feeling a bit tired. I felt the cotton of my nightgown on my skin but not remembering getting into it. My hair was damp and made my pillow wet and so my neck was sweaty and hot, but I didn't remember taking a shower or bath. My left hand was on a very hard pillow...Or was that someone's chest? I finally opened my eyes in wonder to see that I was lying on top of Ian and safely snuggled into his chest that was cold and hard.

"Shh don't move too fast" He said to me. I Jerked up so fast and almost fell off me bed. Then the pain shot up all over my body. I moaned in pain and then wrapped my arms around my body and moaned again as I fell over trying hard to breath.

"Usually when someone says to 'not move' you probably shouldn't" Ian said sighing.

"It hurts all over" I said rocking my body.

"I know. Come here I was relaxing your muscles" He said. I shook my head and just laid my head down on the soft feather filled pillows farthest away from him. He sighed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Why am I in such pain?" I asked him. Last night was such a blur I don't remember any of it.

"You fell off your balcony" He said. "There was a loose bar. It was a good thing that there was a big puddle of soft mud to break your fall so no broken bones. Katerina helped you in a bath after we found you.

"Owe" I said. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I was tense in the muscles and my neck had a very big kink in it. I tried to smooth the left side of my neck with my right hand but there was a big bandage on it. "What's this?"

"A rock. You fell on a rock right there" Ian said quickly.

"Thank god I don't remember any of it." I said. "Ugh, It hurts" Ian just watched me as I tried to relax.

"Do you need some ice?" He asked. I flinched as the sound of a cold substance that was going to numb me. He looked at me confused by my gesture.

"Uh, no I think I'll be fine" I said. I was confused myself. I rested my head on the pillow trying to get as comfortable as possible. I was extremely restless.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. I flinched again. "Are you okay?" he then asked.

"I think so; I guess I'm just a little shook up from last night." I said. "Why don't I remember?"

"You might have hit your head losing a bit of memory"

"Yeah, you're probably right" I said. I just couldn't seem to except this explanation. I wanted so badly to remember. Ian head then tilted to one side as if to listen to something in the other room.

"I'll be right back" Ian said. He calmly got off my bed and left the room and was back within two seconds. I heard the front door to the house open and close and it shook the house. Small murmuring went about and then I felt the sharp pains in my body shoot up as Ian picked me up within seconds and covered my mouth to hide my screams.

"Close your eyes" he said. I did as I was told and then I felt the cool wind hit my face and it didn't stop till seconds later.

"Ian, over here!" I heard a small girl's voice. I turned my head just enough to see a small girl she was standing by a large wall of bricks that was now opened up into a small secret passage. Her back was turned to me. Ian set me down on the ground and I made my way to the secret passage. Her voice sounded familiar, but I don't remember seeing her last night. I'm never drinking again. Before we reached her she turned to face me and my heart sank. I screamed when I saw her dark pitch black eyes. She had no white in them at all. She wasn't human I started to turn, but Ian caught me with on arm and turned me back around. Ian put his arms around my small waste to keep me from running back.

"Hazel, it's ok." He said. I looked back and saw the girl just standing there like nothing happened. I couldn't even see much expression in her eyes. She looked about 10 years old. I stopped trying to get away but Ian practically forced me into the room with the demon girl. lan closed the brick door behind him.

It was a small tunnel. It led to a small wooden door at the end of the hall. The girl led us to it in her small frilly black and white dress. I was scared, I didn't know what to expect. Eventually we got to a room and the girl opened up the latch. Stairs down into a room were visible, but I didn't want to go anywhere near them.

"It's okay. I won't bite." She said as she signaled to the hole in the ground.

What was going on? I asked myself as we went into a small dark room it was cemented in and held air tanks inside. Great this is where I die.

"This is what you'd call a panic room."

"Thank you Liz so much" Ian said next to me as he took off his small jacket and wrapped it around my bare arms. I was angry and frustrated with everyone. Weird things were happening and I didn't know what was going on. Liz?? She was the girl in my room last night and helped Ina when....When I was hurt? My head started to thud just thinking about it. I moaned.

"Shh Hazel, Were hiding from people that could hurt you" Ian said.

"Who?" I asked

"Royalty" he whispered. 

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